Tips for Waiting: What to do to make you wait is not disturbing


  3 summer tips for pregnant people: waiting to be unscathed | Photo courtesy of Pixabay

3 summer tips for pregnant people: waiting to be unhurt | Photo by Pixabay

For every woman, waiting for baby is really a special moment, but during this period, a lot of changes occur in a woman's body, which sometimes causes some inconvenience. Especially in summer, when waiting is complicated not only by physiological changes, but also by heat, sun and inclement weather. Ilma Plynytė, pharmacist "eurovaiss", identifies three problems that, most often, constitute a torture for the difficulties of the hot season.

Swelling of the feet

Leaks affect venous circulation disorders. During pregnancy, female capillaries become more permeable. For this reason, more fluids are released into the tissues and accumulate there. Venous blood flow slows down every month of pregnancy, as the growing uterus grows more and more abdominal blood vessels. In case of bleeding disorder, the swelling usually begins with the foot and raises upward: the legs and thighs are swollen, says the pharmacist.

During pregnancy, she advises him to avoid long stays and to choose the most comfortable shoes. "I also suggest testing compressed socks and footbaths for pregnant women every night for about 15 minutes, dip your feet in a bath of salt or mint and mbadage them", – recommends I. Plynytė.

Solar and pigment spots

According to a pharmaceutical specialist, the skin of pregnant women is extremely sensitive to burns and tends to the emergence of

"But for pregnant women, the sun is dangerous not only for these skin-related problems, but also for pregnant women, and in sun-burnt skin, there are biologically active substances that can cause unwanted uterine contractions in the blood, "explains I Plynytė

. hours It is also advisable to use the strongest sunscreen protection with SPF 50 protection.

Vitamin Deficiency and Excess

In the summer, it is rich in various fruits and vegetables. In most cases, they are less well used and rich in vitamins and minerals. If the pregnant woman is in good health, the pharmacist does not recommend to supplement with other vitamins.

"Too many vitamins can harm your pregnancy.The lack of vitamins and trace elements is better than their surplus.If you eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, vitamins are not necessary. if you want to know what vitamins are missing from your body, do a blood test that will show you exactly what you should eat and not, "says I. Plynyt.

According to pharmacist Eurovaist, one of the The most important vitamins is follicular, acid and vitamin D. Phage acid maintains the normal functioning of the immune system and ensures that the blood does not reduce iron.They are rich in eggs, milk and all green peas in vegetables Vitamin D is important for the development of calcium, which is essential for a developing baby.

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