To receive the best Klaipeda graduates: 197 thousand


"It is symbolic that we find ourselves in the historic cradle of the city.Today, here you are witnessing to the city and the world that you are ready to create a new history of the city, the future of the city Congratulations to all those who have crossed the threshold of independent living.I really want hundreds of people in this section of life to be just the beginning of a road where there is will have many hundreds and they will not be less significant.These hundred will write to you for life.At the same time, I would always like to remind you that your way to take off, your port is Klaipėda, that you are the ambbadadors of this wonderful city which, by their works, knowledge and ideas, will celebrate your city in the country and in the world ", – said the mayor of Klaipėda. A hundred students were educated at Ozuolynas Gymnasium – this institution can boast of 60 people and hundreds of hundreds of them. Among the other schools, Vytautas Magnus high school (28 hundredths and 34 cents) and Klaipėda Liciai (13th, 21st) are also distinguished

  Photo of the municipality of Klaipėda / Senior students having pbaded hundreds of exams [19659003] Photo of Klaipėda The largest number of hundreds of Klaipėda students have obtained an examination of English - 90, second place - computer science (38 000), the third - mathematics (21 cents), the fourth - the Lithuanian language (14 cents). There were 118 graduates in Klaipėda who could benefit. </p>
<div clbad=  Photo of Klaipėda Municipality / Senior students having pbaded hundreds of exams </p>
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