Tove Lo, a Swedish orchestra conductor at the VU Botanical Garden, brought the audience to get up


"It is much easier to sing than to talk about certain things, I can only say so much that I will always be sincere and frank in my work.Some people are offended, others will finish I think it should be, "says Tove Lo himself. His discography includes three well-rated albums and a series of successes. Most of them are much more open than you think.

  Photo of Greta Šaraitienė / Žmonė / A moment of the concert

Photo of Greta Šaraitienė / Žmonė / A moment of the concert "Tove Lo" at the Botanical Garden VU

Openings and performances. Perhaps the most famous Swedish star is famous for her spicy appearances which, in her opinion, do not prevent her from becoming bad, she says, simply releasing her.

"It's very intimate, but at the same time awkwardly opened.I arrived about three years ago.Then I went through the operation of the vocal cords, at the same time I thought I would never be able to sing.I've been happy.To celebrate my strength, I ended up at the first concert.It's a little free and open to me even more – the feeling of wearing clothes was incredible ", – Žmonė says" Tove Lo "

During her concert, she performs her most famous hits:" Disco tits "" Stay high "," Cool girl "," Talking body " ".

The moments of the Tove Lo concert at the Botanical Garden of the Botanical Garden University can be found in the photo gallery:

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