Traffic started on Tilžės Street


The residents of Klaipėda had good news regarding the closure of Tilžės street from the roundabout at the crossroads of the railway.The Zemkasa company launched its traffic yesterday

The traffic on the section ci above had to be launched earlier. The company was allowed to block the segment from 9 to 25 July

"The traffic was opened after two days late, especially for the festival of the sea. We were informed by the contractors that in another part of Tilžė Street – Elida Mantulova, Deputy Director of Administration of Klaipėda Municipality

Here is a list of companies that participated in the work of Klaipėda Municipal Administration, Technical Director of Žemkasa Vitas Ramanauskas badured the Western Express that the company was doing the work as promised to the Klaipėda Municipality

"We started the traffic so that people could go to the festival of the sea. accept to make a scapegoat For some sections, that we could not have paved during intense traffic. No traffic will be closed. By doing other work, we will be able to build a traffic light. We have a bypbad. If necessary, we will be able to run traffic with one or the other band ", – V. Ramanauskas badured.

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