Educators at Lithuanian educational institutions are on strike for the third week. The strike is coordinated by A.Navickas, led by LSDSP.
The union asks:
edit model in order to have a maximum of 18 hours of contact per post;
increase the percentage of partial fixed salary by 20%;
reduce the number of children in clbades.
The MES announced Monday the agreement on the protocol for improving the model. You can get to know him all right here
Five of the proposals in the protocol relate to union requirements. They are as follows:
provide that the number of contactless hours of a teacher belonging to a qualification category would be between 30 and 60%. the number of hours of contact (currently 30 to 50%);
After completing this offer, a 36-hour weekly teacher may still have more than 18 hours of contact hours.
set the minimum percentage of contactless hours;
specify the allocation of hours for community activities leaving fewer opportunities for interpretation;
to evaluate the possibilities of eliminating the coefficient intervals for the same period and the position of the same qualifying category (now, for example, the teacher methodologist, having 5 to 10 years of age); work experience, the coefficient of the fixed part of the constant salary coefficients is 7.47 to 7.54 .More information about this – here);
Take precautionary measures so that municipalities do not violate the provisions of the legislation by determining the number of clbades in schools (depending on the program, the number of students in the clbad can range from 8 to 30).
When asked if he would agree that the aforementioned requirements are related to the unions raised, A.Navickas 15 minutes argued that such a statement would be an interpretation.
"Such a wording" we will look for "," we will say "," we will examine "was registered in a collective agreement a year ago, we have reached a stalemate such that people agree and no one goes out , do not accept, just talk, "he explained.
"We can not say that someone poured a slow bucket, and no, pick it up, maybe you are here. [siūlymų]. Here is not constructive ", – added A.Navick later.
According to him, educators on strike want to find a solution and promise a compromise.
Education and Science Minister Jurgita Petrauskiene said on Thursday that Navickas had declared the truth that the demands of his union had been discussed with the ministry. Union representatives responded: "The unions were here yesterday, A.Navickas invited the teachers present at the meeting, all suggestions were made and all were recorded together."
According to A.Navickas, 15 minutes, claiming that the "essential" proposals of the unions were not included in the protocol is close to the truth.
On the one hand, the protocol proposals do not repeat the word word in the LDPE requirements.
In addition, the content of the protocol is linked to the demands of the unions. If this became a reality and, for example, the maximum limits of the coefficients would be fixed for the same category of seniority and qualifications that the teacher would improve the financial situation.
The 15 minutes also indicate that the paraphrase requirements of the MES left room for manipulation and directed the situation in a useful direction.
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