Trying to save Atlantis, next week is vital


"The club has not provided the necessary information for a while, but over the past few days the call has been normal, as agreed, and on Thursday morning we received up-to-date information from the club. have left, but the process of continuous training, "said Rytis Davidovich, president of League A.

A window of registration of players will be closed next week. Then it turns out that footballers stay in Atlante, what is the true financial status of this club.

"We see that efforts are being made to save the club and they will be fruitful – we will know it in the near future – next week for Atlanta is essential." The league's board of directors follows its decisions already taken and actively monitors the situation at the Klaipėda Club.It is strictly forbidden to use the information published by DELFI on other sites, in the media or elsewhere, or to distribute our material under a any form without consent, and if consent is obtained, it is necessary to refer to DELFI as a source.
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