Twenty-year-old championship crushes victory after winning the race


Saturday night, the Championship of Europe Twenty Championship was launched by the team of Lithuania (1/0), which after the extension in Germany 94 [19659002]: 82 (25: 9, 25:25, 16:30, 11:13 17: 5) defeated the Montenegrin peers (0/1)

The Lithuanians started the match relentlessly and after 9 -2 after the defeat of G. Masysl was defeated. The Lithuanians then improved their speed and, after the addition of Matthew Jogel, a quick badault was even made at 14: 2. The Lithuanians managed to maintain the initiative for the remainder of the quarter, and after the first 10 minutes, they were the leader 25: 9.

In the second quarter, the same story continues: the Lithuanians shoot accurately three points and repel points in a quick attack and continue to flee their rivals (46:24), with a maximum score of 26 points (44:18). Later, the Lithuanians slowed the turn and the difference was a little shaken, but the initiative remained on their side – 50:34

The third quarter was coming (50:38), but the Lithuanians beat soon after by the efforts of Mr.Jogelė – 63:43. The Montenegrins responded with two three-pointers, while Miloš Popovic scored two more points at 51:63. Lithuanian drowning was stopped only by Mantvydas Žukauskas – 65:54. The Lithuanians were the victims of their rivals and allowed them to keep coming closer and breaking the difference up to the lone touch – 64:66

Lithuanians could not score points than in the middle of the fourth quarter. . At the last minute, the Lithuanians were beaten by three points by Dzyug Slavinsky: 73: 72. The return of Marko Simonovich to the end tipped the scales in favor of the Montenegrins (76:73), while the Lithuanians saved 38 seconds. Two points were then scored by Mr Jogela, and the 7-second result was equalized by A.Velička's shots on goal (77:77).

The Lithuanians, who worked with A.Velička and M.Jogelė, gained 6 points of advantage – 85:79. They managed to maintain the added benefit.

Lithuania: Gytis Masiulis 21 (6/14 settlements, 15 years ago), Matas Jogėla 19 (8/12 colonels, 4 rev., 3 ground Arnis Velička 14 (5 rolls, 5 errors, 2/7 three points), Džiugas Slavinskas (4 reps, 5 re.) And Eimantas Stankevičius after 13

Montenegro: Milos Popovich 27 (ago 16 years old), Militia Starovlha 17 (6 errors), Mark Simonovich 15 (17 years old), Andriya Slavkovich 14 (4 rev.)

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