Two shots hit England for the semi-finals of the World Cup Sport


The winners of the football inventions were hit by two precision strikes by Harry Maguire (30 minutes) and Dele Ali (59 minutes).

In a slow and slow game, the Swedes had some chances, but rather dangerous. However, Jordan Pickford, who was a solid player at the right time, saved England from trouble.

English played 57 percent. time and made 12 strokes (4 in the door area). The Swedes fired 7 times (3 in the door area).

D.Ali did not turn 23 years (22 years 87 days) years and 190 days when he was beaten by a Romanian door in 1998.

In the semifinal, Anglo wrestles with the winner of the Russian-Croatian couple.

In 1990, he won the 4th place in the Championship of the English world and became the only champion in 1966. [19659002AprèslematchJanneAnderssonentraîneursuédoisaregrettéqueMarcusBergn'aitpasprofitédel'occasionpourégaliserlesrésultatsendébutdesecondepériodemaisaremerciélessupportersetlesjoueursquiselonlestratègesuédoissesontrévélésétonnantss'éloignersiloinDanschaquematchnousavonsjouécontredesadversairestrèsfortsAprèsladéfaitenousétionstristesetfrustrésmaisnousdevonsnousrappelerquenoussommessortisparfaitement"adéclaréJAnderssonAngleterre-Sweden

72 minutes [19459008AnotherattemptbyMrBergoItistruethathereachedthemiddleofthegoalandJPictfordtouchedtheballwithhisfingers

62 min. The Swedes created a dangerous attack V.Claesson's strike was first taken over by J. Pickford, while the Swedish striker J. Henderson tried again to do so. [19659009] 59 min Gol Another English goal, deserved the lead. D. Ali "closed" the high transfer of J. Lingard.

48 min. M.Bergas checked the vigilance of the English goalkeeper with a powerful shot – with a great game J. Picchard saved England from the goal.

44 min. R. Sterling jumped on a goalkeeper, but R. Olsen managed to stop the Manchester City player from staring.

30 min. Gol Harry Maguire kicked in the head after a raised angle, leading the British forward!

19 min. R. Sterling makes an English counter-attack, in the back of which H.Kane strikes a very close corner.

8 min. The error of E.Crafth could use D.Ali – he tried to bring H.Kane to the goalkeeper, but the transfer was not accurate. However, the match started very slowly and cautiously.

Composition of the team:

Sweden: R. Allen, E. Craftha, V. Lindelof, A. Granqvist, L. Augustinesson, S.Larsson, V .Claesson, A.Ekdal, E.Forsberg, M.Berg, O.Toyvonen.

England: J. Pickford, H. M. Magire, J. Stones

VIDEO: Starting Ingredients from England and Sweden

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