Ukmergisky, who had a serious illness: it was easier not to breathe –


November 2018 21 d 11:51:33
Ieva Urbonaitė-Vainienė, Elta

Ukmerge Bronislaw Kasel shared her personal story with the world on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) day. Now he can relax more easily – a serious lung disease has receded.

As Kaselis said, he yearned for a hard fight for life – not only could he not lift his legs from the house, but he even shaved. Severe bouts of dyspnea place him in bed.

According to the Institute of Hygiene, there are about 60,000 of these patients in Lithuania and in the world, even 384 million.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a serious lung disease in which a person can no longer perform simple housework because of his high breathing.

According to the latest chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worldwide (COPD), it is the fourth leading cause of death in the world and Lithuania the fifth. The disease is not curable, but its progression can be slowed by changing lifestyles and taking regular medications. Unfortunately, in Lithuania, even 9 out of 10 patients are not cured.

Mr. Bronislaw is not one of them. Travel, annual recreation at sea, positive attitudes and regular drug use have slowed the progression of the disease, and it is now easier to talk about.

According to the man, he went to work every day for a distance of 6 km, moved and saved money. However, the severity of the occurrence of a serious lung disease has significantly shortened the way.

"It's been a kilometer and I'm starting to dive in. After only 500 meters, I was able to walk until I could not sleep at night – I had to spend time at the bedside. It hurt him, it hurt my chest not to be able to breathe – I squeezed my nose so that at least a minute would not breathe anymore ", – B. Kaselis remembers exacerbations of the disease.

The excitement was signaled alone in advance – there was a gargoyle in the throat, as Mr. Bronislovas said, while the scream began to sing in the throat. During one month, the excitement of the shortness of breath intensified so that he could not raise his arm without lifting it. The most commonly used treatment was at the hospital.

"Now I'm only 16 years old, up to a hundred years old.The disease is over, sugar is a lot, but I like having a sweet meal.I was scared of diabetes and good. , lungs, I do not know if it's good or what, "says Kbadel.

As he thinks, he has contributed to an active lifestyle, even trying to walk as much as possible on a vacation at the sea, to take prescription medication.

"More walking, more work, no sleep, and future plans, however, indicate that retirees plan only three days in advance, because God will stand out from the" stool "of laughter" – this recipe for life in ukerman.

As ELTA has indicated, COPD is most commonly diagnosed in patients aged 40 years and older. Most of them are men or women who have long experience of intensive smoking.

Smoking is a major risk factor for COPD. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017, even 8 people with COPD have been ill because of smoking.

People who spend too much time in the air and breathe are also at risk for this serious illness.

According to the doctor of the pneumologist Elena Jurevičienė, a doctor of the Santaros Clinic of the University Hospital of Vilnius, COPD is a false disease that has not shown its symptoms for a long time. The patient can only suffer from recurrent cough in the morning, often considered as a consequence of smoking. During progression, shortness of breath and other symptoms of COPD are often attributed to other diseases, most commonly to the heart. In addition, the main risk factor for both diseases – smoking – coincides.

"If a person smokes and is over 40 years old, they should have a prophylactic check of COPD, the sooner we start treating this disease, the more likely it is to progress or slow down." It is very important that patients speak of smoking, because if the patients do not smoke, the effects of the drugs are unfortunately weaker and the disease progresses more quickly ", says the pulmonologist of the VUL Santaros clinic.

The doctor insists that the drug should be regular, it helps to reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease and slows the progression of the disease.

Good news for patients, starting in October, the Ministry of Health 100%. A new generation of drugs for the treatment of COPD has also been included in the reimbursement list.

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