Varėna – traveling photographer J. Ivanauskaite exhibition and books on the Tibetan celebration


Photo of Jurga Ivanauskaite

July 9 5 pm Varėna r. The photo exhibition "Tibet is another reality" will be opened on the municipality square (Vytauto St. 12), which will be inaugurated by photographer Jurgis Ivanauskaitė, writer, traveler and sponsor of Tibet. After the opening of the exhibition, a conference on Tibet, Liberty and Tibetan solidarity will take place in the cinema and exhibition hall of the Var Centrena Cultural Center of Cinema and Exhibitions (J. Basanavičiaus St. 17)

Liberty Case "and the director of the documentary in. Vytautas V. Landsbergis film" From the roof of the world. "The event will be attended by the mayor of Varėna, Algis Kašėta, lecturer VU, Orientalist, head of the Tibetan House Vytis Vidūnas and a compiler of the book, Gediminas Kajėnas

J. The exhibition of photographs of Ivanauskaitė was held in Vilnius for the spiritual leader of Tibet, l 39; One of the most famous contemporary exiles and a hymn of freedom for His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV At the end of the visit, this exhibition begins its journey through Lithuania.Its first stop is in Varna

10 photographs large size of J. Ivanauskaite's we travel to Tibet in 1998 were exhibited in this exhibition. Tibet, J. Ivanauskaitė fell in love with him in 1993, during his first trip to Dharamsala, India, where he studied Tibetan Buddhism. 1996 The trio of books of J. Ivanauskaite's Tibetan Mandala appeared for Tibetan history, culture and religion. At the end of her first book, Exiled Tibet, she said, "My religion is Tibet." In 1962, before the XIVth Dalai Lama's visit to Tibet, his promised land – J. Ivanauskaitė dates back to 1998. In early June of this year, a group of Tibetan Lithuanian writers published a series of Tibetan groups within the Sejm, Tibetan House Support Initiative and Public Tibetan House Initiative. : distant and near. Case of Freedom. "Among the authors of the book are a memorable philosopher Leonidas Donskis, writer Jurga Ivanauskaitė, signatory of the Lithuanian Act of Independence Romualda Hofertiene, photographer and traveler Paulius Normantas, philosopher Andrius Navickas, orientalist Vytis Vidūnas, journalist Gediminas Kajėnas

The book introduces us geographically far, but similar to the 20th century historical experience and the stubborn struggle for freedom near Tibet.The photo of a richly illustrated publication presents the activities of the Tibetan Tibetan Freedom Support Group, which has been going on for almost three decades, to remind the public of the systematic humanitarian violations of Communist China in Tibet and the issues of Tibetan optimism in the 21st century

Photo of Jurga Ivanauskaite

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