Vashos and her husband's honeymoon in Thailand: amazing transvestites, unexpected prices and a kilogram increase


Gabrielle, who spent two weeks in Thailand with her husband, said it was the first time that she and her husband had been away for a long time without an adriatic daughter. "I left her parents for my care.It is very lazy to her," – said the young mother.

Contrasts of Capital and Island

The singer says that currently the rainy season prevails in Thailand, so she chooses to visit only two islands – Ko Samui and Ko Pha – with her husband. Ngan

"We also wanted to visit more islands, but very heavy rains started, so we limited ourselves to them.An island was similar to the larger Palanga, where you can find tranquility Another island was even quieter, with wild beaches, jungles, everywhere we went with a scooter, and I had to see the snake and the lizard. not worthless, they did not like us, and we even settled with us.We initially thought that a bird that was making sounds was stuck in our house, but we were said it was a lizard-sized, "she remembers

  Gabrielle and Ronald Rutkauskaite honeymoon moment

Gabrielė and Ronaldas Rutkauskai The moment of the honeymoon

© Instagram [19659008] During the trip, Gabrielle and Ronald also went on an excursion where they had dinner and have had the opportunity to see wildlife.

"We left the sea." Certainly, this experience did not burn – in Egypt there were much more impressive images, we also hoped to see wildlife in Thailand when we were afraid of them.

"For five days, we were able to see all the night in the capital, where there were a lot of people in the capital," he said, men walking in the streets became women My husband, even many times confused, thought that it was really women.There are many.In fact, there were also quite terrible pictures.It is difficult to understand what the women of your choices make for themselves.It is difficult to understand whether they do it alone or whether there are prostitutes.Every tourist, who came to the Red Light District, can see clubs where naked women stand by.No security or police nearby.This was not very nice to see it but it's the Thailand, after all, this country is famous for that – it will not be avoided. Obviously, their culture is very different from ours, "remarked G. Rutkauskienė

  Gabrielė and Ronaldas Rutkauskaitis honeymoon moments

Gabrielė and Ronaldas Rutkauskaitis honeymoon moments

© Instagram [19659014ApairofbadclubsusuallyvisitedbyEuropeansmetwithwomen'sclothingmakeupandmenwithhighheels

"There were a lot of transvestites in there. Many We even started chatting with our husband who was the hardest to distinguish, and I always saw an Adam's apple on the neck. They are very beautiful, their hair is healthy and shiny, you can not see a beard or a mustache – maybe they use female hormones, Gabrielle thought

Throughout the honeymoon, she had to live not only in the pleasures exotic but also in the luxurious Hilton. whose window opens the spectacular panorama of the city.

"I'm not a big fan of nature.Of course, I like it on the outside, but I'm bad friends with all these wild animals, monsters.I would love take back the life of the city, "said the interlocutor.

Food, Price and Kilograms

Gabriel believes that this experience has earned him and her husband an appreciation of the trip to Thailand.

"With good research, you can find incredibly good hotels with great views of the windows for 60 euros or 80 euros a night.After all, in Europe, hotels of similar style, quality and service are sold at a price of € 200, "she says.

" After going to a simple cafe, two of them can eat enough for € 15. This includes a drink, first and second courses, snacks. we had found a place where we were tired of saturation, and for all that we paid for less than 15 euros.At the time, I still enjoyed the natural mango juice, which would cost at least 5 euros in Lithuania, "adds G. Rutkauskienė

  Honeymoon moment of Gabrielė and Ronaldas Rutkauskaite

Gabrielė and Ronaldas Rutkauskaitis honeymoon moments

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Gabrielle returned with" extra baggage "of these vaca nces

"Before the wedding, I took a particular interest in my appearance. After the birth of my baby, I started taking great care of my diet – not just for kilograms, but for general well-being. And during the honeymoon, I ate right away. There are a lot of spices used in the house, a lot of it is cooked in oil, so you 're not going to avoid changing those weights if you want to scrape everything out. I had 5 pounds in two weeks. However, I have already returned to Lithuania and I believe that my weight will be restored without much effort, because I will return to my normal diet ", – says Vasha.

Interconnecting cbadettes, one day

Rarely experimenting with their appearances During the holidays, the singer decided to make short-term changes to her appearance, and her hair was intertwined with tiny cbadettes with blue stripes.

"I do not know who I'm so impressed. I just walked down the street and saw how they are. I want to try it and I will try it. In fact, at first I wanted to make lobsters, but the man sent me back, asked me if I was serious, and then I was confined to rabbits. She was very happy with the image of her husband because she was very bady, "she admits.

  Honeymoon moment of Gabrielle and Ronaldo Rutkauskis

Honeymoon moment of Gabrielle and Ronaldo Rutkauskai

© Instagram

The hairstyle has become a real misery for the singer

"Ça a lasted three hours for me.I was happy until I had to go to bed.For a few hours I could not sleep because I was very scarred by the scalp, I felt the stretching of the hair Nevertheless, in one way or another, I went out all the next day, but the headache did not occur dissipated, I even had to take medicine.And finally, I decided not to hurt myself at night and having gone to the same place, I caught the cbadocks ", – said Vasha.

Despite the occasional mischief in the air and other details, the singer believes that this trip to her and her husband was a real honeymoon because it was the first time that I could give two whole weeks or two weeks

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