Violeta Tarasovienė is scandalous about the SEL concert: why all Klaipėda does not sleep for an hour. the night? | names


The house of Violeta and Vilius Tarasovs singers is located 3 kilometers from the summer scene in central Klaipeda, but the family has the impression to listen to the concert in the same scene.

15min V.Tarasovienė said that the sounds produced in the concert to bear, but not so late in the day, when the night it is necessary not to sleep for the whole of Klaipeda. According to Violetta, this concert, which ended almost at the first hour of the night, did not make her daughter sleep too much.

  Indrė Pix / PROKADRAS photo / Concert SEL in Klaipėda

Indrė Pix / PROKADRAS nuotr ./SEL concert in Klaipėda

"Everything was due to the fact that the concert started at 8pm and at 10pm and that it lasted until the first night.This is totally unjustifiable, because I believe that the permit was not issued before the first night of the night, the noise in the middle of the city. is it rumored that a child can not sleep until the first night because he's playing music? ", said V. Tarasoviene

Violetta raised the question of knowing why we can only ring until 23:00 and others until the first hour of the night.

"I do not think it is possible, and if they have violated, they have no difference – they will pay a fine of one hundred euros and to dishonor . I understand that I want to perform while dazzling to have a greater effect, but then, be nice, play concerts in a closed room. Then you will not be disturbed by anyone and you will play at least 3 nights. We live 3 kilometers from the summer scene – we have heard everything perfectly. Friends live 4 kilometers from the stage and even filmed as they all hear. That's what Klaipėda needs not to sleep because of a concert?

It does not matter if Selas will be there, or Jazz, or a stranger – whatever. I survived because my child was unable to sleep and wanted to know where the problem was and why someone might be able to play until the first night. "- 15min said V. Tarasovienė.

Violets raised the problem with feisbuke discussion: some were surprised by the criticism of the concert, while others supported Violet.

A clbadmate wrote: "It was not a concert but a real horror. Although we live 1.5 km. we had to go home at night because the sound was not available. Do those who know Selo here defend that 100 dB of sound, and especially low bumps, as before, do not reduce human health. You did not know you did not read The sound of this low frequency shot in the CIA prison at Guantanamo was a HONEST prisoner.

Mayor of Klaipėda: "It is always the easiest" to ban or prohibit "

Immediately after the concert, V. Tarasovienė publicly asked the mayor of Klaipėda Vytautas for his feisbuk account. Grubliauskas: "Why, at the SEL concert, does not Klaipėda have to sleep all the time?"

After this entry, Vilius Tarasovas said: "If the mayor has 10,000 SEL fans, it's sad …"

Vilius Feisbuke received commentary from Klaipėda Mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas

"Well, dear Vilava, do not panic, how do you write there, but I hope to understand that these 10,000 (or more?) Have not really slept … was in the concert. On the other hand, as far as I know, the organizers had time to finish the concert, and I will see myself again, but I hope that they followed this Well, why did you sleep when and where and where? No, at least I personally watched football (do it yourself?), and then I slept very calmly, but just one kilometer from the scene at my house, and maybe

The point is not there and not in me, there is a procedure that is mandatory for everyone, and if someone a rape, the reaction must be This is always the easiest way to "forbid or forbid", even though I am personally an advocate of different solutions – namely, looking for solutions for concerts to take place and to minimize complaints. When you do a concert, I will not really sleep, and at the concert I'll try to be at the last song, and if someone gets angry, I'll answer in the same way as in that case.

Let's say someone to give concerts it would be less for those who are in a discomfort to do so, he must be badured. Who is a beggar or a beggar? You are excellent and professional interpreters, I wish you more concerts for the widest audience possible and that it would only provoke positive emotions and leave the greatest possible impressions ", writes V.Grubliauskas

  Julius Kalinskas / Vytautas Grubliauskas

Julius Kalinskas / 15min. / Vytautas Grubliauskas

Having learned this until the first hour The municipality of Klaipėda was allowed to play at night, producer Martynas Tyla feisbuke wondered why some artists were allowed to do so and others were not allowed

"Vilayu ( Tarasov – red] ). Who is allowed until 23:00 and before 01 ", – was surprised by Mr.Tyla, whose producer Donatas Montvydas will soon also organize a concert in Klaipeda.

Who are the exceptions?

" Events Traditional events are held until 23:00, and major events may, depending on their mbad, take place at the discretion of the director and last for more than 23 hours. The SEL concert was a meeting and it was decided to allow the concert to take place for one hour. This was decided by considering the number of people – even 10%. The population of Klaipėda participated. – Marius Poimanskis, head of the administrative division of the Klaipėda municipality, commented on 15min .

Police and representatives of the municipality badured that no one called the general phone line because of the high noise. . "Officially, we have not yet received any complaints," said Poimanskis

According to the representative of the municipality, the noise level will in any case be measured.

"The organizers had to set up a laboratory that needs to check the sound level until noon there should be some answers. If the sound standard has been exceeded, then some authorities will be responsible for violating the noise standard, "- 15min says Mr. Poimanskis

11 people detained

Head of Communication Group of the Police Station Chief of Klaipėda County Specialist Jūratė Albrekienė 15min confirmed that SEL was issued for the concert until the first night of night.

According to her, during the concert, 11 people were detained, but no significant violation occurred. "As officials said, in such a crowd, one could expect it. These are not serious violations of public order, drunken attempts, and so on. But this concert did not cause big problems ", – 15min commented by J.Albrektien.

YES ALSO READ: DARK SEL in Klaipėda: 15 thousand, a euphoria of fans, a special scene and stars singing together

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