Visit abroad of Meghan Duke of Sussex – Ireland: three times a day | names


Visit of Harry and Meghan Ireland – part of the royal tour of the countries of the European Union. The couple will visit the country's history and culture in Ireland for two days, visit the Croke Park Stadium, the country's famous university, and discuss with Irish President Michael Higgins and Prime Minister Leo Varadkaru about the relationship between the two. country. after Brexit

Before leaving for Ireland, Harry and Meghan were also able to take part in the centennial commemoration of the Royal Air Force in London. With this event, Meghan changed three times during the day.

Meghan came to venerate the Royal Air Force in Westminster Abbey wearing a black Dior dress silhouette, with her brand designation of a boat-shaped neckline that emphasized the neckline and cranial bones. Scanpix / PA Wire / Press Association Pictures / Duke Duke of Sausal Meghan and Prince Harry "rel =" content-image "src =" = / sasekso-hecogiene-meghan-ir-princas-harry-5b45ad2440027.jpg "style =" width: auto; height: auto; "/>

Scanpix / PA Wire / Images of the Press Association" / Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry

In Dublin, the Duchess of Susbad flew wearing a green Givenchy blouse dark and a pencil-shaped skirt. Meghan was wearing body-colored high heels and was carrying a 475-pound Scottish small Strathberry brand handbag

  Reuters / Scanpix photo / Prince Harry and Duke of Seaske Meghan

Reuters / Scanpix ./Princas Harry and the Duke of Sausset Meghan

At a dinner at the garden party of the British Embbady in Ireland, the Duchess donned Emilia Wickstead's Emilia Wickstead black dress, specially dressed for her, and changed the hairstyle into a puddle. Her evening image was completed by the black Givenchy handheld ( she had already seen her at the Ascot horse race ), Aquazzura's black high heels, and studs. morganite ears and diamonds from his favorite jewelry company Birks. [VidaPressPhoto/DucdeMeghanetPrinceHarry"rel="happyimage"src="https://s115minlt/static/cache/NTcweCwzNDR4MjU4LDYxNjI3NixvcmlnaW5hbCwsaWQ9NDAzMzY1MiZkYXRlPTIwMTglMkYwNyUyRjExLDQxOTQyMjY1MjQ=/sasekso-hecogiene-meghan-ir-princas-harry-5b45b25c20729jpg"style="width:auto;height:auto;"/>

Photo of Vida Press / Duke of Megah and Princess Harry

  Photo of Vida Press / Duke of Megah of Sabade

Photo by Vida Press / Duke of Sabad Meghan [19659014] function () {
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