Water fountains contain infections? | kl.lt


In the heat of time, the citizens of Klaipėda wondered if the water of the fountain of the city was really safe. Many people and themselves do not bother to have fun. Although fountains are often mown by dogs or begging for the homeless, their water quality in the city seems nonexistent.

The fountains of the city have become refreshing oases attracting both mothers and children, the homeless. ] "And the photo will not be really good, there is also a braid puppy, his master, who chewed benami paws, and children next to them. Is this water safe? for the children? – asked the younger generation and often near the fountains of the city with a time allowing their time.

Irena Šakalienė, head of the Urban Management Division of Klaipėda Municipality, explained that There were six fountains operating in the city.Their water circulates in a circle. "The fountains of drinking water are checked by the company" Klaipedos vanduo ", the fountains of the city are only not meant to wither, but I have never found any water quality to study. I do not imagine what to do, "doubted I.Šakalienė

The specialist of the public health center warned that fungi and other skin diseases could be fountains like swimming pools

There are no games and refreshments, it's safe, but you have to do research in the lab first, and then we'll see what pathogens there may be [19659006]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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