What you need to know about ischemic heart disease


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Despite the rapid development of prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment, ischemic heart disease remains among the leading causes of death, according to the latest health statistics
Cardiologist Eglė Kazakauskaitė, cardiologist cardiologist and Cardiovascular Center of Kaunas, The risk of falling ill depends on our lifestyle and shares tips on the prevention of this disease.

Stades of Illness

Ischemic heart disease is a heart condition due to cardiomyopathy due to atherosclerosis or thrombi. According to the doctor, according to a different opinion of society, it is not only a disease of the elderly.
In some cases, even young people experience acute myocardial infarction, but in such situations, special circumstances and various risk factors are more common. Therefore, the cardiologist warns that it is very important to apply primary prophylaxis.
The progression of the development of ischemic heart disease can be divided into three phases: silent, stable and unstable. According to E. Kazakauskaitė, the first symptoms of the disease may be barely perceptible or totally unimaginable. A stable form of the disease occurs when a patient begins to experience stressful chest pain during exercise, which pbades very quickly as soon as physical activity is interrupted. These pains can spread to the left arm, shoulder, sometimes to the neck, to the lower jaw, sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath.
An unstable form occurs when the above mentioned symptoms appear at rest or when the worsening of the pain progresses a lot. fast Finally, an acute myocardial infarction can occur. It is a potentially fatal diagnosis in which the health of the patient depends on the speed with which he will enter a treatment center where special procedures for the opening of blood vessels are practiced

According to the doctor, prophylaxis is particularly important in case of silent illness. do not feel the bright signs. Of course, it does not always badess the need for cure or prophylaxis, but cardiac arrhythmias are already undergoing irreversible changes. Early prophylaxis can prevent the progression of the disease and even 80%. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk factors, the doctor advises people to refuse all smoking (active and pbadive), to consume alcohol, to follow a healthy diet, to increase the amount of alcohol. Physical activity, optimize body weight to prevent obesity. The cholesterol level in the blood.
"By experience, we know that it is very difficult to eliminate these risks from a person's life, such as harmful habits or unbalanced diets." After all, deny this 30 or 40 years is much more difficult than taking your medicine in the morning or evening, but now that healthy living is becoming more popular, various sporting events, wellness days and more similar trends, we doctors are very excited, "says cardiologist E. Kazakauskaite, a doctor at Kaunas Kardiolitos Clinic

" If you experience short-term chest pain badociated with physical activity, your The most important task today is to register with the cardiologist of your doctor, "warns E. Kazakauskaitė.
The cardiologist also recalls that primary prevention is applied to the individual. es without a specific diagnosis, but falling into certain risk groups. In Lithuania, a prophylactic cardiovascular program is recommended for men aged 50 to 65 aged 50 to 65 and at risk of moderate cardiovascular disease
"If we look closely at the risk tables of our region, we will see that even without additional risk factors, falls into the category of intermediate risk. In these patients, once a year, the family physician identifies the risk factors and, if necessary, develops an individual cardiovascular prevention plan.
If the doctor finds a high probability of cardiovascular disease, he sends the patient to a specialized center. if necessary, treatment. It is important to know that once a year, a person can be monitored for glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, an electrocardiogram and other studies that show if a person is at high risk. The disease is not necessary because the onset of ischemic heart disease may be irreversible, "says the doctor.

Treatment of the disease – the way to a longer life

A cardiologist says to have doubts about any non-drug and medically effective treatment absolutely not worth it. According to her, if a proper treatment is given, if the patient follows the doctor's recommendations, it is possible to obtain very good results.
"It is virtually impossible to eliminate the work already done on atherosclerosis in our body.You just have to like your body so that we can live healthy, do a study once a year, do trust our doctor as a cardiologist.This is the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease – take precautionary measures while the disease does not hinder the patient, does not cause him problems, but is particularly important for to prevent the extremely serious consequences of this disease ", – advises the doctor of cardiovascular diseases at the Clinic Kaunas Cardiolitha Cardiologist E. Kazakauskaite

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