Why do people scratch their heads when they think hard? The answer will be surprising


A student stands on the board and looks at the potentially insoluble mathematical equation proposed by the teacher. It seems terribly inaccessible, but you have to make an effort. Do not let the child start scratching his head. How are you doing in Sudoku? Like a writer who is stuck looking for a better sentence structure. Why do people bother their heads when they think hard?

Indeed, this phenomenon is hardly explored and incompletely understood. Yes, many people think of their heads. But if you ask them why they do it, they will not know it. You probably will not even remember that you're starting out. Other shoulders and short tears – "Apparently, itchy". And for others, it 's quite natural – after all, the idea of ​​some kind of breakage is necessary, even if it' s done with nails.

However, the versions of why we do this are. Most of our involuntary movements are several thousand years old. So we invented them not ours, but our distant ancestors. For example, if a child wants to hit someone, he will know how to do it, even if no one has taught him. He will use his fist, probably leaning over his head like a gorilla. Young children also know how to throw things. The skills can be improved, but the essential technique remains the same. These are our instincts of primordiality and the harvests of the head can be one of them.

To make sure, we can look at other primates. They also think about scratching their heads. After joining the stream gorilla heads up, then decides how to go. In 2017, an interesting study was conducted during which scientists observed the macaque

Macaca also began to dig, but they do when they are hit. For example, when a strange macaque is nearby. Even more – when they pile up, they are safer. Culture breeds stress, so others do not return it – the frightened animal is unpredictable and therefore best left alone. However, it is not as if a person was fatal for fear of Sudoku, that he should be stressful that way.

Probably not, but it can really be related to stress. If this is reported on stress, this is understood by other group members who can help. When solving challenging puzzles, you really need to fix them to keep your picture within sight and move on to the next step. It's like simulating wildlife on your living room couch. Just the forehead of the eye is not the flood, but the magazine page.

Body contact can help calm and fight stress. Therefore, it's not just a signal to others of your feelings. At the same time, it helps to focus and combine thoughts with the body. However, there are more interesting theories.

In nature, aggression is a natural response to stimuli. Some scholars think that raising your hand to the head is a preparation for a shot – a heck of that sudoku or a mathematical task. But then you are convinced that the situation is not hand-led to other jobs – for distribution. Which version is the most correct – it's up to you to decide. But know that scratching a head is a natural instinct that shows that a person is really struggling to accomplish his task.

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