Williams-Gossus turns to Olympiakos: "I wanted to play in a title fight club" / News


Photo: Partizan NIS

Photo. Partizan NIS

The reason for the decision to play the pirate Olympiakos was the former US player, Nigel Williams-Goss

The finals are set this season

  Piraeus Olympia
  Euroleague [19659007] Former Belgrade "Partizan" basketball player this summer has become a highly sought after player. It was announced that "Zalgiris", "Olympiacos", Moscow CSKA, Vitoria "Baskonia" and Istanbul "Fenerbahce" were interested in the services of the athlete. </p>
<p>  "It is true that I had other offers from other teams." – I chose Olympiakos for several reasons. a historic club, one of the largest in Europe.I had already chosen to extend my career in the Euroleague team, I wanted to be one of the favorites for me. beat for the title every year.This is exactly what Olympiakos has done in recent years.I want to win the Euroleague, which I can do with Olympiakos. </p>
<p>  Of course, one argument very important for my choice was the coach David Blatto.As soon as he took the team, he immediately called me and showed interest in. J & # 39; love his style of play – a fast game with a lot of responsibility for the defenders. "</p>
<p>  Žalgiris offered a two-year contract to the basketball player. At that time, Sportando announced that in Piraeus the defender would earn about 2 million in three years. </p>
<p>  In the European Cup, Williams-Gossus spent an average of nine minutes on a 30-minute team, scored 17 points, played 6.3 after a pbad, took 2.8 minutes, took 1.6 ball and scored 20 points. , 8 utility points </p>
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