With the new price, the drugs are cured, but 200 thousand. patients will have to change drugs Business


As announced by SAM, in the new price list, the "ceiling" premium, 100 percent. The Ministry also argued that the new pricing of medicines and the reduction of prices for pharmaceutical companies saved a considerable amount of extra costs and extra costs for patients, which was beginning to compensate for active substances [19659002]. according to the new methodology, the aim was to ensure that the amount paid by patients for the drugs does not depend directly on the prices offered by the producers. Thus, after setting the highest possible premium for patients, people will save about 7.3 million a year.

  Luko April / 15min. / Aurelius Veryga

Luko April / 15min. / Aurelijus Veryga

SAM announces that the implementation of expert recommendations in the near future is still planned to increase the compensation percentage so as not to discriminate certain groups of patients.

It is planned to increase the level of compensation of drugs for diseases that are offset by 80 and 90 percent. In the new price, seven new active substances emerge: these drugs are used to reduce acute pain in oncological diseases, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin lymphoma, asthma, melanoma when there is no positive mutations of BRAF, ovarian and / or ovarian cancer, lung and bad cancer, and other diseases.

200 thousand. Patients will have to change drugs

The ministry notes that all active substances administered to patients remain in price, but pharmaceutical manufacturers point out that there will be fewer drugs. According to the Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (VGA), changes in habits will require 200 000. It must be admitted that after the application of the new procedure, the number of manufacturers has decreased and almost One quarter of the compensatory drugs left for the treatment of cardiovascular, pulmonary, central nervous system, oncology and other diseases were treated by 200,000 people. patients. According to the manufacturers, 1950 medicinal preparations were presented in the preliminary list of prices, while 1584 remained in the approved, because 366 medicinal preparations did not meet the requirements.

  Tom Markeliewicz / 19659006] More than 200 drugs that are not in compliance with the government order are left to the exclusion and the need for medical treatment for patients. </p>
<p> "We are very concerned that after the approval of the new reimbursement list, patients will be deprived of the possibility of treating concomitant medications." This is particularly true in elderly patients with medical conditions. cardiological and concomitant, who will need to take a dose instead of taking one tablet at a time, "said Vida Augustinienė, president of the Council of Representatives of Patient Organizations in Lithuania. </p>
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