You can also get to know the Raudondvaris Manor from the visit to the Count's closet


"Everyone and anyone who wants to wear these costumes can walk past Raudondvaris Manor Park, take pictures for someone else or order us a professional photo shoot, arrange a girlfriend , picnic on the lawn, "confirms the Center for Tourist and Commercial Information of Kaunas The director Aistė Sinkevičienė

Lina Čekanauskienė, tour operator and guide of the center of tourist information and business of Tourist and commercial information center of the Kaunas region, is always worth hearing about noble customs before tightening the belt or starting a boiler. Did you think that the life of the count or dukes was only a hug in the down beds, the jubilation of servants, teaspoons, hunting, riding, booty, the flirtation and other merits of the rich lion's life? Really not The children of the owners have been educated rigorously. The baby is born – and immediately given to the nurse. Later, to the nurse, and even later to guerilla guerrilla warfare or guerrilla warfare. The girl was preparing to be a good husband and wife of her offspring – impeccable manners, learning a few languages, drawing, playing music, dancing, but humble, obedient and pious. The boy was taught to be a breadwinner, a wealth builder, and a warrior.

Every noble was primarily a warrior. In the nineteenth century, when the wars in Lithuania were practically nonexistent, the guerrilla nobles went abroad to study law or agriculture, in order to develop, innovate and develop them. 39, increase their income, "says Countess Rozalija. 19659002] She remembers that in the 19th century In the middle of the Raudondvaris estate lived her golden age. The estate was acquired by Tiškevičiai. It was at that time the domain of many mansions, with the greatest political influence in Lithuania. In the 1831s, during the uprising of the partisans, the main building was damaged in the manor house of Raudondvaris and set fire to the agricultural buildings. Benedict Emanuel Tyszkiewicz began rebuilding his palace. The palace acquired the appearance of the Renaissance that was no longer the same, and became as dictated by the fashion and taste of the host. Purity was in the will. Ampyro style rooms. The stables, the officer, the orange, the ice grew up. The plot had large hunting areas, pheasants and so proud of him. The battles were in the barn. The nobles of the neighboring estates ran with them with many escorts

The hunters and pupils who loved Count Jan Benedikt Tiskevicius and Countess Rosalius were the last guests to close the door of the Raudondvaris house before the First World War. With their departure, the life of the manor ended. The chart was an adventure fan, and Countess Rosalie was a sweet and eternal creature.

"Before getting ready for the owner's costume, we must remember that we create emotion in our clothes," says guide L. Čekanauskienė

Feeling Graffiti, Dressing In noble costumes, not only the compatriots, but also the German delegation, arrived in the district of Kaunas, tried not only in the Raudondvario mansion. The guests recognized that it's a very fun hobby.

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