You can sit on the monuments of King Mindaugas and Žemaitė while climbing on Vytis – no?


"I wonder now if lynching a lion in a military museum in childhood is also a violation.Lions are lions.", The incident where a guy goes on the Vytis monument and made a video on the Internet, commented by Raimondas Abugelis, head of the Kaunas City Police Station, on the portal m Photo of the municipality

Although there are many other monuments next to Vitya, on which, similarly, the monuments of King Mindaugas or Žemaitė in Vilnius often reach the children, the spokesman of the police says that climb Vytis – something else: I really respect Žemaitė Mindaugas may also be possible to respect, but sitting on the road is not the same as the heat of a rider on his head.I can also want to sit on the roads of Mindaugas, but do not really climb on my shoulders to the rider. "

Police: No conséque Significant events

R. According to Abugell, police have already identified the identity of a suspect who, Saturday night, was planning to run with the Freedom Warrior, slammed a rider on his shoulders, and thus allegedly committed a administrative fault.

However, the official points out that it is too early to talk about the punishment of a person – the evidence is still collected because the video is not enough – the person was not arrested at the scene, but his face is not clearly visible.

An official describes the event as "hot and sensitive public". He acknowledges that the police reacted exceptionally to this incident because of the mbadive perplexity of the people and that the climbing of other monuments can not be compared to this incident. Nevertheless, Abugulis baderts that the boy did not commit a serious crime: "If you were despised, broken, broken, then it would already be another language, but now there are no great consequences. "

According to him, the minor breaches of public order are merely wrongful acts by others and there is no evidence that public order was seriously injured by the shock, humiliation and property R. Abughel is angry at the public desire to punish, to take revenge on the boy and even to regret the young man: "He did something rash and he received both negative comments, so it seems that the person has already doubled the act. "

Dovilė Bielevičiūtė states that he also does not see a big violation here.

" S & # 39; there is no defective property, if nothing has happened to this object, in theory, it is not bad. However, the tables prohibiting the climbing of monuments could help prevent such actions, "says a specialist

Mayor of Kaunas Mayor of Public Relations Tomas Grigalevičius said the municipality does not consider this event too much, but does not For example, people like to take pictures of themselves trying to squeeze Daniel Davis, as the monuments are specially designed by their authors to create an immediacy, to be interactive. the shoulders of John Vileishi, planting children at the Lions Museum of the War Museum.This is really nothing wrong.However, the joke with important public symbols representing works of art , memorials to victims of the Holocaust or Freedom is not acceptable to the public and may be considered a manifestation of disrespect towards the US. tat. "

Vilius Kavaliauskas, deputy chairman of the support fund, says that such a young man's act was very painful to him and ironically adds:" If so, maybe it takes build ladders especially for those who will ride on Vytis ". for an expert review, to find out if the monument has not been damaged. "We propose that a commission of experts be set up for this because, at least as you can see in the video, the guy was standing on very sensitive monuments where metal structures are not very thick .If it turns out that they were violated, what will we invite Ukrainian masters? "The family of this guy will have to pay for the damage to the monument," says V Kavaliauskas, saying that the results of the expertise should be revealed in the near future.

According to him, even if it turns out that the monument was not damaged. Kavaliauskas simply calls them hooliganism. "It's not even necessary to say things that one can not climb on monuments, it must go without saying. Such attacks, not only the Vitya, but all other monuments must be defended. It must be clearly defined in the criminal code or the administrative code, and the penalties for such offenses are strengthened, "says vice president of the Vytis Support Foundation.

Punishment will depend on justification

R. Abugail says that imposing a punishment for violations of this kind of public order can be very complicated: "If a young child has stumbled upon a monument, we will not trust him because he does not believe it. Is not an entity. If a 15-year-old, for example, is faced with an interesting situation: the Code of Administrative Offenses (CPN) states that from the age of 14, the person is already responsible for his actions, but in an article dealing with breaches of public policy, Fifteen years is not responsible for himself. "

The official says that the sentence will depend on various circumstances." If a person has arguments, if it is not a deliberate act, or maybe it's not his fault, this must be taken into account, because it is also an element of the administrative violation, "says Abugelis.The fine of 30-140 euros is only indicative – can be reduced or even completely abolished.

"I do not know how he will explain (maybe he wanted to exalt Lithuania so much), but this explanation will be taken into account. – ironically the head of the Kaunas City Police Station

The boy's night walk is not on the list of priorities of the police

According to the official Abugelis, the suspect and other events related people are invited to report to the Commissioner, but the study is already underway and young people will not be willing to come to the office, officials will be contacted. However, he acknowledges that this violation does not appear on the police quick response list: "This is not really a fight against the fire, and it's not a event that should involve thousands of officials. A young man beaten in the liberation war is suspected of violating public order in accordance with Article 481 of the ANC, which prohibits uncensored words or actions in public places, humiliations Offensive and other deliberate acts aimed at violating public order Justina Kazragytė, specialist of the communications department of the chief of Kaunas district police chief, said that to be able to respond precisely to the part of the police. an item that could be damaged, agents must specify all the circumstances of the incident. talk to the same suspect. R. Abugell believes that the behavior of the boy is likely to be in keeping with the article "intentional acts intended to violate public order".

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