You will have to pay a fine for the missing members of the celebration of the song?


Bruneros fine for food violations can reach up to 40 thousand for Festival Song participants. Saulius Liausa, director of the Lithuanian National Cultural Center (LNKC), who organized the celebration, said that at the beginning of August, lawyers should complete the badessment of possible contractual violations, the decision on the amount of the fines and the termination of the contract. "The process is ongoing, we are imposing fines, not paying for the undead participants, we are waiting for their reactions now.There was a delay in food of insufficient quality.We have received an inspection certificate of the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS), which recorded all violations on the spot.For each violation, it is expected to 10 thousand.well Negotiations are ongoing, but through the two contracts, we are about 40 000. According to BNS, S. Liausa

During the Song Festival in early July, LNKC submitted two preliminary claims "Bruneros." According to S. Liausos, they contain up to ten violations. are recorded taking into account the participants of the festival itself, ie Municipal Coordinators, as well as information provided by the SFVS.

Negotiations are in progress, but through the two contracts , we are About 40 000.

Bruneros, winning the two largest catering competitions sponsored by the LNKC, provided food for participants at the Lithuanian Football Federation stadium in Liepkalnis, at the Fabijoniškės school, three other stadiums at Vingis Park during the Song Days and Vilnius Entertainment Arena.

Among other violations, it was found that Bruneros was not everywhere guaranteed seats for festival participants, did not set up the streets to manage the streets, received a lot of complaints that the spam it was not collected on time. Bruneros spokeswoman Donatas Garbauskas said at the press conference that the food "is really eaten", that it is distributed in a timely manner, while complaints about the appearance of the food are individual

. that during the celebration, the damage was detected only on the foods supplied by Bruneros.

"It was recorded that in a stadium there were too few servings, fixed and temperature inconsistencies, this chilled food was recorded more than once.It was also noted that food n & # 39; 39, were not delivered according to a harmonized schedule, ie y The participants in the celebration had to wait for food, or the amount was insufficient, the filling was finished, the vegetables – the violations were repeated ",

LNKC consulted with the Public Procurement Office about the contract and its chief, Diana Vilytė, said that on the information provided by the SFVS, the municipalities and the center itself, the breaches of the contract are sufficient.

"According to our knowledge and according to the contracting authority, there are significant contractual violations that may terminate the contract and include the supplier in the list of unreliable suppliers. And that would probably be a logical end to this story and a decision based on principles and responsible, "said D. Vilytė, BNS

The participants of this year's Song Festival were fed by Riekė, Ovantis and the # 39, public company Bruneros. The first two companies together won 154,000. The value of purchases won by two Bruneros, formerly known as Kretinga Food, amounted to 667 thousand euros. (19659014)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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