Young people should not drink sweet drinks


The use of many soft drinks containing sugar can impair fertility. This is the conclusion made by American researchers of the Boston Medical School.

Many couples have many mothers who attempt unsuccessfully to have children. If a woman does not exist, the result is the fault of reduced fertility of a partner. A woman or a man is usually infertile.

Few people know that fertility is affected by nutrition. Because some of the products we use directly affect our hormonal system.

Experiments have now been proven by American scientists at the Boston Medical School. They published their research results in the medical journal Epidemiology and reported that most of the fertility was damaged by the popular sweet liquor like Coca-Cola, lemonade.

4,000 men and women aged 21 to 45 participated in the studies.

"We have been able to establish a link between the consumption of sugary drinks and reduced fertility, without taking into account other possible factors such as overweight, coffee, consumption of alcohol and alcohol. alcohol, smoking, "- reported research director Elizabeth Hetch.

According to scientists, regular use of coca-cola and lemonade disrupts the menstrual cycle of women and reduces sperm quality in men. For this reason, people's fertility is greatly reduced.

"Women who drink at least one glbad of sugary drink a day are less likely to become 25% pregnant than those who do not drink. But men of the same amount of sugary drinks have the ability to fertilize a woman up to 33%, "warns E. Hetch

If you are planning an increase in family and want to have children, you should avoid sweet drinks

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