Žemaitaitis: If Skvernel is not a prime minister, the "leaders" will not participate in the coalition


"If Mr Squernel is not in the post of prime minister, the Order and Justice will come out of subsequent negotiations (on the ruling coalition – ELTA)." Because there was an agreement Clearly both on the Council (Justice and Justice – ELTA) and the Presidium according to which we take the decision to help the current Prime Minister Saul Skvernel to remain as Prime Minister.

This is because of the simple thing that we examined pragmatically, because the elections were quite complicated, simple to say, so the promises that were made to him (S. Skvernel – ELTA) as presidential candidate are the promises that have been made. before elections – we treat them as being implemented and enforced. And the party supports Saul Skvernel's candidacy for prime ministerial posts for the work to be done and the tasks to be done. If July 12 it will not form a new government, I can not imagine that the Order and Justice will support (coalition – ELTA), "said R. Žemaitaitis on Thursday, adding that it would be contrary to the ethics that the coalition partners withdrew from the post of head of government.

Skvernel, who has applied for the post of president, said that if he did not succeed in the presidential election, he would be removed from office.

After defeating the country's leader, Skvernel made several changes to his position on the fate of the government. In late May, the prime minister said his decision to step down as head of government would depend on many circumstances.

"This (will depend on – ELTA) the interview with the president-elect, the eventual formation of a coalition, the goals set for the rest (government work – ELTA) for a year and a half – in many circumstances, "said the Prime Minister.

ELTA recalls that the "peasants", the "social workers", the "police" and the Lithuanian Poles' Electoral Action – the Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS) are trying to form a ruling coalition. As announced publicly, a new coalition treaty with quotas for different ministries for coalition parties will share some of the ministers of this government.

The memorandum signed by the three parties also notes that current Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis should retain his post and that the post of President of the Seimas will be proposed by the Social Democrat Labor Party.

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