Little love stories: “I laughed out loud at no one in particular”


Earlier this year, I dated someone who told me chickens were sleeping in trees. I refused to believe it, but our jokes helped me at a time when I was overwhelmed with grief over my grandmother’s passing. Things didn’t get off the ground with Chicken Man. Several months later, I spotted a fluffy white beanbag high on a tree late at night. It was a hen that I often see in my neighborhood in Singapore. I burst out laughing in front of no one in particular and thought about my grandmother, Chicken Man, and how life gives us unexpected little moments of joy. – Shu wen chye

“Blah-bla?” she said, knocking. Only 2, Isabelle ventured in the corridors of the building to my apartment. Together we would water my plants or jot down a story. When she was 3, she told me everything about Peppa Pig. At 4 am Isabelle came to my door saying, “Bra, taste mum’s kheer.” We savored its delicate sweetness. On East 84th Street in Manhattan, we saw the tulips bloom, the leaves fall, the snow come. “Hi, Barbara,” says Isabelle at 5. Sitting on my window sill, she counted taxis and stuffed animals. Unlike the complicated men I used to date, if I offered Isabelle a mandarin, she would simply appreciate it. – Barbara champ

In December 2019, Cai and I drove to Desolation Peak in Washington State to discuss a now eclipsed national crisis. “When the apocalypse comes,” I said, “can we join in? ” “Sure.” We laughed nervously and seriously. A few days later, we said “I love you” for the first time. In March 2020, Cai and I drove in Independence, Oregon. “Do you remember a few months ago when we were talking about being together for the end of the world?” Cai asked. “Were you serious? Because I was serious. I was and I am serious. In these uncertain times, we hold onto each other. – Claire McDonald

We met at a chess tournament when we were 17. He asked me if I wanted to play more chess. I said yes. ”The next morning we met at a park near Montreal and played a few games. We continued to play during lunch, the bus ride to an amusement park, on a picnic table, under the picnic table, during dinner at KFC. We even played “blind chess,” visualizing the game while queuing for ice cream. all day he leaned in and kissed me. Quickly we realized that we love chess more than this kissing stuff. – Olia Kaye


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