Live Action Rick and Morty Skits Refence Pickle Rick, Pilot


Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future as Rick Sanchez in Adult Swim's Rick and Morty skits.

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If fourteen seconds of Back to the futureby Christopher Lloyd and This‘s Jaeden Martell as Rick and Morty the last F weren’t enough for youto file, could we interest you in … twenty others?

Adult Swim rocked the internet last week by sharing the incredibly brief clip of Lloyd and Martell going into reality C-132 to celebrate their 20th birthday and Rick and mortythe season finale, and now it’s back for more riffs from two of the most emblematic moments of the show. The first, simply titled C-1.21 – this time less a reference to the series’ multiverse and more a nod to Lloyd’s history as Doc Brown – takes a moment to recall the infamous season three episode of the series “Pickle Rick “. Although, perhaps for our benefit, we don’t get to experience Christopher Lloyd transformed into a fermented cucumber:

The second, C-137 (again a real reference, this time to the original dimension of “main” Rick in the multiverse), is a throwback to the original pilot of the series. Losing his brain and bodily functions on the ground after ingesting a mega-tree seed, poor Morty can do nothing as Lloyd digs into Rick’s “Rick and Morty forever, forever a hundred years“rant on their impending adventures.

Rick and Morty dot com, indeed. With the the show’s last season finale having finally dropped over the weekend after a considerable wait, we are probably will be in the long term to see more of the show. Time will tell if that’s all we’re going to get from Lloyd and Martell’s riffs on the show, but hey, now that they’re out there in Rick and mortyis multiverse, the chances of them actually appearing in the series rather than a few fun little bumpers are much more likely than you might think.

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