Live, die, restart: the sequel to Edge Of Tomorrow is back, probably


Photo: ADRIAN DENNIS / AFP (Getty Images)

Good news for fans of the time loop who have not yet obtained their temporal solution marmot day, Russian doll, Good death 2U, or marmot day: The long-planned sequel to Tom Cruise Edge of tomorrow (or Live, die, repeat, or all you need is to kill, or whatever we call one of the most terribly entertaining sci-fi war movies in recent years) is apparently back. But like the first movie itself, all of this effort relies on the heroic efforts of an unlikely man: writer Matthew Robinson, one of the writers who has a story credit on the very dumb 2016 scenario. Monster Trucks.

Essentially, the three big names behind the original Edge of tomorrow-Cruise, Emily Blunt and director Doug Liman have made it clear that they would be happy to do another, if a pretty good script appears for that. (This is not a trivial task, considering the fact that the first movie definitely seemed to buckle Cruise's character arc, as well as its ability to step back to every death,) The invention of lies– This is the type that has just been exploited for this to happen.

Although we have offered what could be the purest expression of cinema in our collective desire to watch Tom Cruise eat it again and again, the development of the future Edge the result seems to have stagnated in recent years; The last time Liman talked about it seriously in 2017, he tried to give it the awful title. Live and die and repeat and repeatChristopher McQuarrie, Cruise's personal scribe, who co-wrote the original film, has been busy with other larger franchises.

Honestly, we are motivated by this one – the first movie is really funny – even though Robinson ends up being crushed a few times in his efforts to achieve it.

[via[via[via[viaThe Hollywood journalist]


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