Live Updates: Amanda Eller, a hiker in Hawaii, talks about 17 days of survival in the forest


Amanda Eller said that she was out hiking without her cell phone to connect to nature – and that she was lost when the feelings that guided her throughout the trip did not bring her back to her car.

"And I do not really know what happened … All I can say is that I got out of my car, it 's like, you know, I' m sure. have a keen sense of internal direction, no matter what you want to call it, a voice, a spirit – everyone has a different name, heart, "she says.

She said she listened to those calls – until she wanted to go back to her car.

"My heart was saying to me," Walk this way, go left, right. " Go right. "It was so strong – go to the left, go right – I'm great, it's so strong that when I turn around and get back to my car, that'll be all as strong when I come back, but that was not the case, no. "

Instead, it led her deeper and deeper into the woods.


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