LIVE UPDATES: Trump signs interim bill to give Congress more time for coronavirus relief negotiations


President Trump on Friday signed a two-day interim financing bill to avoid government shutdown and give lawmakers more time to agree on a COVID relief bill.

Fast facts

    • Congress has sought to avoid government shutdown for the second time in a week by passing a two-day interim funding bill to give lawmakers more time to agree on a coronavirus relief bill
    • The Continuing Resolution (CR), which was passed by both the House and Senate with a few hours to spare before midnight, will prevent the government shutdown and give Congress more time to iron out sticking points in the draft. $ 900 billion law.

The continuing resolution (CR), which was passed by both the House and Senate with hours to spare before the midnight deadline, will prevent the government shutdown and give Congress more time to iron out sticking points in the $ 900 billion COVID-19 relief bill that Americans have been waiting for months.

The House passed the measure in a 320-60 vote, with the Senate approving it with a voice vote shortly after, the Associated Press reported. President Trump signed the law on Friday night, according to the report.

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md., Said the public shouldn’t expect a bill to pass until 1 p.m. Sunday.

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