Liz Cheney mourns Rand Paul on foreign policy


Rep. Liz Cheney criticized Senator Rand Paul for foreign policy reasons, saying the Kentucky Republican was sympathetic to terrorists over Americans.

"Hi @RandPaul I know that the 2016 race was painful for you since you were such a big loser (with a 4.5% drop in Iowa) .No surprise since your motto seems to be" Terrorists d & rsquo; First, then America, "the Wyoming Republican said Thursday before quoting President Trump calling the Kentucky senator" weird "and" a spoiled kid without a brain that works properly ".

Cheney's attack on Paul began after he claimed Wednesday that Cheney would support endless wars.

"I agree, why do some neo-conservatives continue to argue for endless wars?" I stand with @realdonaldtrump to end wars, "let's focus on America first, not on Afghanistan! " Said Paul connecting to a Washington Examiner Cheney should "stop criticizing Trump for rejecting the endless war."

"I am with @realDonaldTrump and our men and women in uniform who will never surrender to terrorists, unlike @RandPaul, who seems to have forgotten that today is September 11, "said the third highest speaker of the Republican House, after Paul's tweet.

Paul continued with another attack on Thursday, saying, "Hi @Liz_Cheney, President @realDonaldTrump hears all your warlike NeverTrump.We all see your pro-Bolton blather.I am just grateful for a President who, unlike you, "He also went on CNN Thursday to call Cheney and his former Vice President Dick Cheney, his father," Never Trumpers. "

Cheney is known to be hawkish in his views on foreign policy, while Paul has pleaded for less foreign intervention on the part of the US military.

The departure of John Bolton, a former national security adviser to the White House, foreshadows a government that is less aggressive than Trump's.


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