Loeffler again refuses to accept Biden as president-elect


Senator Kelly Loeffler, in a press address Wednesday, continues to refuse to recognize Joe Biden as the president-elect, even after the constituency officially voted for Biden on Monday and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell , admitted on Tuesday that Biden would be the next president.

The outgoing Republican MP, who faces a run-off to retain her seat, has been repeatedly questioned whether or not she would recognize whether Biden won the presidential election and she has repeatedly refused to do so.

“My focus is on winning this race on Jan. 5,” Loeffler said in response to a question of whether or not she will follow McConnell’s leadership and congratulate Biden as the next president. “I spoke to Chief McConnell this morning. We are very focused on providing relief that Democrats have repeatedly held back.”

“The president has the right to all legal remedies,” Loeffler said, responding to a question of whether she would agree that Biden is the next president. “That’s what’s playing out right now. I’m focused on winning this race.”

Loeffler also said “there will be a time for that if this becomes true,” after being asked two more times if she plans to acknowledge Biden as president. “But the president has the right to all legal remedies.”

U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler speaks during a debate with U.S. Senate Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock, Sunday, December 6, 2020, in Atlanta.  (AP Photo / Ben Gray, swimming pool)

U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler speaks during a debate with U.S. Senate Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock, Sunday, December 6, 2020, in Atlanta. (AP Photo / Ben Gray, swimming pool)


It also did not prevent support for a challenge to the electoral lists of various states on January 6 when Congress meets in joint session to count the electoral votes.

“I haven’t watched it,” Loeffler said, adding that “there is a lot to play by then.”

Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., Has vowed that he will lead challenges to the electoral lists of some states, as well as other members and elected members of the House. But such a challenge should be supported by members of the Senate in order to force the House and the Senate to vote separately on whether or not to reject an individual state’s electoral list.

Even if Loeffler or another senator supported the effort to block electoral votes, it would almost certainly fail because invalidating a state’s voter list would take both houses of Congress. Democrats control the House and many Republicans, who currently hold a slight majority in the Senate, have already said Biden won.

Loeffler’s opponent Raphael Warnock said on Wednesday that Loeffler disrespects Georgian voters in his comments.


“After weeks of refusing to recognize the fundamental fact that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the election, Kelly Loeffler is now leaving the door open to challenge these results in Congress,” Warnock said in a statement. “This is reckless and disrespectful to Georgian voters. The Electoral College has voted and even Majority Leader Mitch McConnell praised President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris. It is time for Senator Loeffler to ‘stop putting personal politics ahead of what is best for our country and accept the results of the November elections. “

US Senate Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock speaks during a debate with Republican US Senator Kelly Loeffler, Sunday, December 6, 2020, in Atlanta.  (AP Photo / Ben Gray, swimming pool)

US Senate Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock speaks during a debate with Republican US Senator Kelly Loeffler, Sunday, December 6, 2020, in Atlanta. (AP Photo / Ben Gray, swimming pool)

Loeffler, however, attacked Warnock alleging he had his own unanswered questions. She said the Democratic candidate had not sufficiently responded to his past support for Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the controversial former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, or whether he would support the impeachment or allegations of child abuse at a camp associated with a Baltimore church where he was once pastor.

On the camp in particular, Warnock said when he was arrested for obstructing a police investigation, it was because he was trying to make sure lawyers were present while the children were being questioned. The charges against him were subsequently dropped.

However, Loeffler, in a statement, said: “Warnock refuses to say what kind of abuse occurred in his camp, he refuses to say why the police report called his behavior ‘uncooperative and disruptive’ ‘, and he refuses to explain why health was rampant. violations in his camp – which led to its closure. “

Her statement also offered other examples that she said went unaddressed.

“It’s not just rhetoric that Warnock refuses to answer – it’s his associations with dictators and anti-American radicals,” Loeffler said, “He refuses to say whether or not he attended the his church event celebrating Fidel Castro – because he did. He refuses. to answer for his past praise of anti-American and anti-Semitic Jeremiah Wright. “

Loeffler, who was appointed to the Senate in December 2019 after Senator Johnny Isakson resigned for health reasons, also noted that Warnock “refuses to disown Linda Sarsour, who called Jews ” satanic ” and has moved away. in Georgia to campaign for Warnock “and also” refuses to clarify what he meant when he praised Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam as “important.”

Loeffler and Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., Who is also in a second round and who is essentially Loeffler’s “running mate” for the U.S. Senate seats in Georgia, were put in a political position difficult by the president.

Continue to refuse to recognize Biden as the president-elect and their opponents will continue to hammer them for not accepting reality. If they recognize Biden as president-elect, however, they risk the wrath of Trump and his allies, who launched waves against McConnell earlier this week.


“Mitch, 75,000,000 VOTES, a record for a sitting president (by many). Too early to give up. The Republican Party must finally learn to fight. People are angry!” Trump wrote on Twitter early Wednesday morning, as he retweeted a Daily Mail article that headlined “MAGA Turns On Mitch”.

It also comes as Republicans scramble to ensure their voters go to the polls following suggestions from right-wing Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood that Georgia Republicans do not show up to vote for Loeffler. and Lost because they don’t. I haven’t done enough to push baseless claims that Trump somehow won the presidential election.

The couple’s suggestions drew a harsh rebuke from many high-profile Republicans, including Donald Trump Jr., who now appears in ads run by a political action committee that two of his aides founded for the purpose. to ensure that Trump voters go to the Loeffler and Perdue polls.


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