Looks like this year's Call of Duty is Modern Warfare 4 – TheSixthAxis


Many rumors circulating that Call of Duty will return this year in the franchise's most popular series, Modern Warfare. Back in May 2018, a source who previously held accurate information (and we must clarify some inaccurate information) about Black Ops 4 said that 2019 will be Modern Warfare 4.

Last week, American football players got their hands on the game, because that's how things are going nowadays, and it was reported by Eurogamer. However, if you look closely at the report and take the first word of the first four paragraphs, you get …


Let's go back to these footballers, especially to the Tennessee Titans quarterback, Marcus Mariot. On a fortnite fort flow, he was asked what his favorite Call of Duty was and he replied, "Modern Warfare, I just played the new one."

Finally, we go to the former creative and responsible strategist of the Infinity Ward community and to the old face of Call of Duty 2008-2012, Robert Bowling. Twitter user 'Pickford' responded to a video suggesting again that Modern Warfare 4 was imminent and issued the following message: "I'll shit if it's modern war"

Bowling tweeted back "You'd better buy brown pants."

In a call for results, Activision's CFO described the new CoD as "what teams believe, one of the best Call of Duty ever built".

"It will feature an entirely new campaign, a huge and vast multiplayer world and, of course, a fun gameplay in cooperation," added Activision President Rob Kostich.

If this year's Call of Duty is not Modern Warfare 4, Activision then plays a brilliant game of offense. Maybe that is what is happening and that Call of Duty this year is actually a sequel to that of space. Uh. Call of Duty War in space? Space force? Pew Pew Pew but in the space? Honestly, this game was so forgettable that I can not even remember its name.

Are you excited for the return of Modern Warfare and the campaign mode? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Intel Gaming / Eurogamer / Twitter


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