Los Angeles Dodger Stadium delivered 7,730 vaccines against Covid-19 on Wednesday – Deadline


Speaking from Dodger Stadium, which he proposed to be the “largest Covid-19 vaccination site in the country – and possibly the world,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that the five Los Angeles vaccination sites had previously administered vaccines to more than 80,000 people. The mayor said that as of Wednesday alone, facilities at Dodger Stadium administered 7,730 doses.

“The last person came out here, I think about 11 [p.m.]The mayor said, indicating that while the lines still meandered on the grounds, site officials decided to keep the doors open after closing time. We have probably had more vaccinations here than anywhere else in the county if not the world.

Garcetti also revealed that tomorrow at the end of the day, Los Angeles will have finished vaccinating all residents of qualified nursing facilities.

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These are important achievements, but they have not gone without a hitch.

Garcetti admitted that many at Dodger Stadium waited hours on Wednesday to get their shots. A senior told Deadline he waited four hours in line. While the mayor insisted the wait time on Thursday was no more than an hour and averaged around 30-40 minutes, he apologized to those who waited on Wednesday.

Still, Garcetti urged Angelenos to refuel, bring snacks, and use the bathroom before queuing at Dodger Stadium.

One resident who likely didn’t have to wait four hours was former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who tweeted a video of his vaccination at Dodger Stadium on Wednesday. Arnold said, “I’ve never been happier to wait in a line.”

The site’s original goal was to deliver 12,000 doses per day, and Garcetti said that’s still the target – it has to be. Garcetti said that at the current rate of vaccination in Los Angeles, all healthcare workers and the elderly would not be vaccinated until June if the pace did not accelerate.

Garcetti indicated that there are currently two car lines running through Dodger Stadium. The plan is to add a third queue to speed things up.

He made a plea to state and federal authorities for more doses before saying, “Demand always far exceeds supply. We are still waiting for the number of doses to come. ”

Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Wednesday the county expects to receive about 143,900 additional doses of the vaccine next week. However, since people should receive two
doses of the drug, spaced three to four weeks apart, most of the vaccine coming next week will be used to give second doses to people who have already received the first vaccine.

She estimated that only 37,900 of the doses coming next week will be available for people to receive their first dose.

“That’s what I mean by a serious supply problem,” she said. “We are just not getting enough doses of the vaccine to act as quickly as we and you would like.”

She said as of the end of last week, the county had received 685,000 doses, of which 307,000 were used so far for the first doses and 87,000 for the second doses. The county is still working to complete vaccinating hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers with the remaining doses, even though it expanded access to people 65 and older this week.

LA County Public Health on Thursday confirmed 262 new deaths and 8,512 new confirmed Covid-19 cases. “The last time we had two days of less than 10,000 cases was in early December,” noted the mayor. “It is progress.”

On Thursday, 7,263 people were hospitalized for Covid-19. Garcetti said it was 7% lower than last week.

Last week, the seven-day average of new cases was 15,182. This week, the seven-day average was 10,560, a decrease of 30%.

City News Service a contribué à ce rapport.


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