Lou Dobbs accuses Bill Barr of being ‘compromised’ and part of the ‘deep state’


Fox Business Network host and Donald Trump’s chief sycophant Lou Dobbs was absolutely beside himself on Tuesday when he learned that Attorney General William Barr said there was no evidence of widespread electoral fraud that could change the election results. Dobbs even accused Trump’s staunch AG of being part of the “deep state” and “possibly compromised.”

The pro-Trump television personality, who has been one of the strongest amplifiers of the president’s baseless “rigged” election narrative, kicked off his program Tuesday night by erupting against the attorney general for admitting that the Justice could not find any evidence Trump’s claims that President-elect Joe Biden “stole” the election.

Grumbling that Barr has been “absent for weeks,” Dobbs insisted that the president’s legal team “was making progress” in the “battle for the White House” while reassuring his viewers that the prosecution at -Beyond the long duration of the campaign would “reinforce President Trump’s accusations that there was clear electoral fraud.”

Dobbs went on to complain that while the president’s “progress” in his quest for election victory has put him at odds with the “insidious RINOs” and “the deep state,” a member of Trump’s “own cabinet seemed to join him. the Radical Dems and the Deep State and the Resistance.

Bubbling at Barr’s remarks about the lack of evidence of electoral fraud, Dobbs – who also serves as Trump’s informal adviser – blasted the attorney general in an extremely personal way.

“For the Attorney General of the United States to make this statement, he’s either a liar or a fool or both,” he exclaimed. “Maybe he’s, uh, maybe compromised. He can just be unprincipled. Or he may be personally distraught or sick!

The Fox Business host would go on to quote the various plots and unsubstantiated allegations that Trump and his legal team have peddled, despite the president’s court challenges repeatedly being criticized out of court and states continue to certify. their votes.

However, undeterred throughout the show, Dobbs continued to hope that the president would still be in the White House on January 21. Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez returns Trump’s votes to Biden via corrupt voting software.

“And I just want to ask you, was the antifa running the Democratic elections in this building?” Because it sounded like an anti-fa tactic, ”Dobbs asked a former Michigan state senator who was trying to contest the election.


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