Love horoscope for the Sun season in Aquarius from January 19, 2021


The season of the Sun in Aquarius has arrived and it lasts from January 19 to February 20, 2021.

As the Sun moves through the independent and curious sign, it unleashes a new wave of energy that will help transport us into exactly who it is and how we are meant to experience it.

How will the Sun in Aquarius affect your love horoscope starting January 19?

The Sun is seen as the planetary body that governs our identity, our core self, and even sometimes our ego.

This is how we are seen by others, although we may not necessarily agree or agree with the way we are viewed, but it is also a mirror to help us live more authentically.

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As the Sun transits through the air sign of Aquarius, it is a time of immense power for all of us, regardless of which zodiac sign you have.

This is because we have just officially started the new age of Aquarius at the end of December as we celebrate and welcome the great conjunction.

We are truly in a year that is ruled and dominated by air energy which is expansive and grand.

There is no more playing small for any of us.

This is the year of release, decision-making and progress.

But for most of us, we didn’t necessarily get to do that as the clock struck noon on January 1, especially since we were still going through the Capricorn season which had a different vibe this year while many planets were leaving this strict sign of the earth.


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