Low cost iPad and iPod Touch are the latest iOS devices with headphone jack as iPad Mini 6 Drops stand


Apple continues to phase out the headphone jack from its iOS devices, and the iPad mini 6 is the latest iPad to see the feature removed.

iPad mini 6 orange BG
The previous generation iPad mini 5, released in 2019, had a headphone jack located at the top of the device, but the ‌iPad mini 6‌ does not include this feature. Without a headphone jack, the ‌iPad mini 6‌ only supports Bluetooth enabled headphones or headphones that can connect to the device’s USB-C port.

ipad mini 6 components

Components ‌iPad mini 6‌

Apple has now removed the headphone jack from all devices in its iOS lines except the low-cost iPad and iPod touch, a device that is likely on the way out and sees few updates. day.

The 10.2-inch iPad 9 released last week continues to offer a headphone jack on the top left of the tablet, and it’s the only ‌iPad‌ to have a headphone jack available. Since this tablet is aimed at schools, it makes sense that it has a headphone jack to allow students to use the headphones provided by the school.

headphone jack ipad 9

‌IPad‌ 9 components

Although Apple has now phased out the headphone jack from almost all iOS devices, Apple’s Macs continue to have a headphone jack available, including the latest M1 models. It’s not clear if Apple plans to remove the headphone jack from Macs in the future, but that may not be in the cards as Macs have more space available for the headphone jack component.

Apple began removing the headphone jack from iPhones with the launch of the iPhone 7, and it was removed to make room for other components as well as to improve water resistance by removing a point of Entrance. Apple’s iPhones and iPads have continued to get thinner, more compact, and more feature-rich over the years, leaving no space for a headphone jack. With the transition to AirPods and other Bluetooth wireless headphones, the headphone jack isn’t as important to many iOS device users anymore.


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