Lyft and Uber plan global strike next week


New York motorists Uber, Lyft and other carpool applications will share a brief strike with colleagues around the world on Wednesday to demand better job security, higher wages and a guaranteed 80% reduction in fares.

Members of the New York Taxi Workers Association will be on strike Wednesday between 7 am and 9 am just before Uber's IPO. They will join pilots in London, Los Angeles and in other cities that will also be on strike.

"Wall Street investors tell Uber and Lyft to cut driver incomes, put an end to financial incentives and move faster to driverless cars," said NYTWA Executive Director Bhairavi Desai . "With the IPO, Uber owners will earn billions, while drivers remain in poverty and go bankrupt.

"That's why NYTWA members join the international strike to resist Uber's greed," she said.

"I'm hitting for my [5-year-old son’s] Sonam Lama, Uber pilot since 2015. "But it's getting harder and harder. First of all, Uber reduced the tariffs, then they put too many cars on the roads, so that the tariffs were insufficient. "

"We want Uber to respond to us, not investors," said Lama.


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