Lynyrd Skynyrd cancels four shows after Rickey Medlocke tests positive for Covid 19


LYNYRD SKYNYRD cancels four shows after RICKEY MEDLOCKE tests positive for COVID-19

LYNYRD SKYNYRD canceled four of his upcoming concerts after guitarist Rickey medlocke tested positive for COVID-19.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, LYNYRD SKYNYRD are unable to perform the next four concerts in Canton, OH, Jackson, MI, Atlanta, GA and Cullman, AL, “the band said in a statement.” Longtime band member Rickey medlocke has tested positive for COVID-19.

Rickey is resting at home and responding well to treatment. We will continue to update you on its condition. The show in Atlanta, GA on Friday August 13 is rescheduled and will now be Saturday October 23. “

LYNYRD SKYNYRD had to co-title Professional Football Hall of Fame‘s “Concert for legends” Monday evening with Brad Paisley.

News from MedlockeCOVID-19 diagnosis comes just two weeks after comrade LYNYRD SKYNYRD guitarist Gary Rossington underwent emergency heart surgery.

Medlocke was the original drummer in LYNYRD SKYNYRD and joined the group in 1996 as lead guitarist and lead songwriter.

Skynyrd Nation,

Due to unforeseen circumstances Lynyrd Skynyrd is unable to perform the next four shows in Canton, OH, …

Posted by Lynyrd Skynyrd on Saturday August 7, 2021

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