M1 Mac mini motherboards with 10 Gigabit Ethernet appear in the spare parts list


Apple service providers would see Apple Silicon Mac mini logic cards with 10 Gigabit Ethernet in an internal parts list.

The Mac mini with M1, compared to its predecessor Intel, lacks 10 Gigabit Ethernet as an upgrade option. Instead, the device is stuck with Gigabit Ethernet compatibility.

However, in a replacement parts list for Apple Authorized Service Providers, obtained by MacRumors, every Mac mini motherboard without 10 Gigabit Ethernet has a corresponding logic board listing that includes networking technology.

Sources within Apple’s service channel not authorized to speak on behalf of the company said Appleinsider that these part numbers are placeholders and do not correspond to an existing part. It is not clear to the sources if Apple ever intended to manufacture these parts or if they are reserved for a future refresh.

For potential Mac mini buyers who want or need 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Apple still offers Intel models with the option to upgrade, and some Thunderbolt 3 docking stations incorporate the technology as well. These Intel Mac minis also have four Thunderbolt ports, instead of the two ports on M1-based devices.


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