Machine gun Kelly casts shadow over Slipknot on stage


Slipknot and MGK both performed at Riot Fest this weekend, headlining the fourth and final day of the annual Chicago Gathering. MGK took the opportunity to cast a shadow over Slipknot from the stage, saying he was glad he wasn’t a 50-year-old wearing a mask.

Before entering his Tickets for My Fall on the track “Jawbreaker”, MGK shot Slipknot. “Hey, do you want to know what I’m really happy not to do?” To be 50 years old wearing a freaky fucking mask on a fucking stage. Holy shit. So what’s everyone’s favorite candy anyway? Reese’s songs?

Machine Gun Kelly’s disagreement may be linked to an interview Corey Taylor did earlier this year, where he shot MGK without mentioning his name. “The [young artists] what really frustrates me are the ones who take something that’s been around forever and then rework it and call it new – even though it’s completely derivative, ”Taylor said. Cutter rockcast. “You know the group they are ripping off – they don’t even try to rip off a bunch of groups; they are ripping off a bunch. But the younger generation picks them up and says, ‘This is our blah blah blah,’ because ‘they are tired of old people telling them the music that came before them was better. And I don’t know who’s right, but I know both are wrong, because we should be cheering everything on. “

Taylor continued, “I’m just as bad. I’m the worst foggy old dude shaking his cane ever. And I hate everything. I hate all new rock for the most part. [hate] artists who failed in a genre and decided to go rock – and I think he knows who he is. But this is another story.

MGK is currently touring the United States on its Tickets for My Fall to visit. Slipknot will begin their US tour with Killswitch Engage, Fever 333 and Code Orange later this month.

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