Madonna Spends $ 5 Million to Achieve Billboard Awards Performance



CGI, Hologram Set at the Billboard Music Awards

It costs me $ 5 million !!!

29/04/2019 08:05 PDT

Exclusive details

MadonnaThe performance for ages at the Billboard Music Awards will not be cheap … it will cost Madge FIVE MILLIONS BUCK $.

Sources with direct knowledge in the UK are telling TMZ … that the queen of pop is going to pay for the money herself with ZERO, thanks to Billboard's help, while that. she is about to unveil Madonna's ground-breaking performance to be broadcast live on Wednesday from MGM Las Vegas.

What M has planned is already presented as one of the most ambitious performances ever attempted in live television … a set that will include holograms and computer-generated images. We are told that the appearance of Madonna will last nearly 7 minutes.

Madonna is clearly repeating fiercely. She posted a video Sunday saying that she wanted her feet to hurt her. The performance follows in the footsteps of Madonna who publishes a new title "Medellín" … starring the Colombian superstar Maluma.

The Material Girl is also ready to release her new album, "Madame X", on June 14th. So, while everyone is hard on the next album, buckle up your seatbelt for its BMA set. It will be turned on.

you want to know why? Slut, it's Madonna.


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