Magic: The Gathering to get Warhammer 40K, Lord of the Rings expansions


Hasbro takes big swings with its Magic: the gathering Mark. Wizards of the Coast president Chris Cocks announced on Thursday the launch of Universes Beyond, a new series of cards that will include crossovers with other franchises. They will include the Warhammer 40,000 franchise and the characters from Middle-earth by JRR Tolkien.

MagicThe first Universes Beyond crossover was announced in September. It will feature Wizards’ own Dungeons & Dragons franchise in a card game called Adventures in Forgotten Realms. This isn’t the first crossover with D&D by far, as the tabletop role-playing game publishes sources based on Magic tradition for years.

The partnership with Games Workshop is rather a surprise. The UK-based business has seen an incredible upsurge in recent years, with plastic kits being scarce around the world. It also experienced a massive bottleneck in its card-based products. It’s unclear whether Wizards will bring their expertise to help address this shortage, which has led scalpers to charge sky-high prices for online card games.

The Middle-earth Enterprises, formerly Tolkien Enterprises, gives Wizards access to certain works by Tolkien. Including The Hobbit and characters from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Polygon contacted Wizards of the Coast, Games Workshop and Middle-earth Enterprises for more information.

The announcement was made Thursday during a call to investors from Hasbro.


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