Maisie Williams reveals what you did not see when Arya Stark saved the day on Game of Thrones


"F-king hell! Sorry guys!" That's what Maisie Williams said more than once when filming his big Game of thrones battle.

"I think I probably hold the record for the biggest number of excuses on the set," Williams said in discussing his long battle with the White Walkers inside Winterfell Castle.

In the video below behind the scenes, Williams and the Game of thrones The crew detailed all the work done on Arya's heroic day in Winterfell. Williams said that he had been told to start training one year before this would happen.

"Maisie does almost all of this on her own", co-creator David Benioff says about Williams fight scenes. "She has an excellent stunt for dangerous stuff, but most of it is actually Maisie."

Double waterfall by William Kristina Baskett rented the actress. "Her coordination, and she's very fast, can make changes on the spot and that's actually – she's really easy to work with," Baskett said about training images from Williams.

The big episode of Arya culminated with the defeat of the young woman, the king of the night.

"Just when you think everything is over, and just when you think Jon Snow will be the hero – again – we realize that Arya appears through the fog," Williams said.

In the video above Emilia Clarke, Daenerys Targaryen, has expressed his honest reaction to the great slaughter of Arya and must be watched, it is useless to describe it.

"When reading when Maisie did it, we just cry and cheer," Clarke said.

Harington Kit joked he was pissed off it was not Jon Snow who took the big bad guy. "I would have given you, for example, I would have bet you thousands of dollars before reading the final." I said to myself, "Yes, it's really me," said Harington.

Benioff said that they had known for three years that it would be Arya. "It did not seem right at the moment," he said of Jon Snow's use as a hero.

For the show, director Miguel Sapochnik says: "Dan and David have let me break all Game of thrones rules."

"The majority is filmed 96 frames per second, everything is super slow, everything is in reality, which is not what they usually do." It was a surreal nightmare "said Sapochnik.

To make the moment even more intense, Sapochnik said that they continued to cut scenes "it's screwed up" with characters not going to Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) and the king of the night.

In the video above, the cast and the team perform the breakup of the wire well prepared for the big jump of Arya out of nowhere.

"Turning it was tedious, but so great to be able to perform all these different beats in less than a second, maybe like," said William.

"It's exactly what you need … In the air, she picks it up, it's so good. It's so good. It's perfect," she says. Clarke said.

"Read what I can achieve and Arya's goal in this world and all that she's been training for is coming back to this episode, it's just amazing. And it's beautiful , that's poetry, "said William. "And I'm grateful that it was me and not Kit."

Game of thrones tunes on sunday at 9pm on HBO.


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