Majority of New York Congressional Democrats call for Governor Cuomo’s resignation


Thirteen New York House Democrats said Friday Cuomo must step down, arguing that the allegations have hampered his ability to govern and effectively serve the people of New York.

Addressing the allegations on Friday, Cuomo told a press conference to “let the review continue. I will not resign.”

“I did not do what was alleged, period. I will not speculate on the possible motivations of people,” he continued.

He also, without naming a name, attacked lawmakers who called on him to resign, claiming that politicians who take positions “without knowing the facts” are “reckless and dangerous” and bow to “cancel the culture” .

A source familiar with the conversations leading up to Friday’s coordinated call for Cuomo’s resignation said the group had been in touch as allegations mounted, but did not agree to move forward together until Thursday. They decided to wait until Friday morning to go public so as not to trample on President Joe Biden’s speech Thursday night.

The source said the tipping point for members had been a combination of the most recent developments, including the announcement on Thursday by State Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie that Democrats there would open an impeachment inquiry. The decision to come in, almost all of them at the same time, was also a recognition that when one rolled out it increased the pressure on everything else.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said in a declaration that Cuomo has “lost the confidence of the people of New York” and House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney mentionned Cuomo’s resignation would be in the “best interests of all New Yorkers.”

They join Representative Kathleen Rice, who earlier this month became the first of 19 Democrats on the New York House delegation to call on Cuomo to step down.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and First Year Representative Jamaal Bowman said they agreed with others “who concluded that Governor Cuomo can no longer lead effectively in the face of so many challenges.”
“These allegations have all been consistent and very detailed, and there are also credible media reports supporting their accounts,” Ocasio-Cortez and Bowman said in a joint statement. declaration, adding that they “believe those women” who brought up sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo.

In separate statements on Friday, fellow Democratic Representatives Grace Meng, Nydia Velázquez, Yvette Clarke, Adriano Espaillat, Mondaire Jones, Antonio Delgado, Sean Patrick Maloney, Brian Higgins and Paul Tonko also urged Cuomo to step down as governor.

Representative Sean Patrick Maloney, who also chairs the Congressional Democratic campaign committee, argued that New Yorkers need a “laser-focused” governor to get them through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Cuomo’s administration underestimated the number of Covid deaths among New York City long-term care patients by about 50%, according to a January state attorney general report, then delayed sharing of this potentially damaging information with state lawmakers.

The administration left out the deaths of Covid-19 residents who had been transferred out of the facility or to hospitals, according to a statement from Attorney General Letitia James’s office. Although the report found that the total number of deaths has not changed, it has led to a misrepresentation of the death toll from Covid-19 in long-term care facilities in New York City.

Cuomo and his administration defended their decision, arguing that when the Justice Department and New York state lawmakers asked questions, the federal investigation became their priority. The governor denied any suggestion of wrongdoing.

Amid mounting criticism, Cuomo also faces accusations from several women of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. The scandal, which has devoured New York politics for the past two weeks, began on February 24, when former aide Lindsey Boylan alleged in a Medium article that Cuomo kissed her on the lips against his will. in 2018 after a brief, one-on-one. a meeting in his New York office.
Last week, Cuomo apologized to the women and said he never knew he was “making someone uncomfortable” and denied touching anyone inappropriately.

Nadler said on Friday the allegations against Cuomo are “serious” and credible, and Cuomo is “guaranteed due process under the law,” but the issue of confidence in the New York ruler is a matter of “political judgment. “.

“The courage that individuals have shown in coming forward to share their experiences with Governor Cuomo is inspiring, and I support them,” he said. “The repeated accusations against the governor, and the manner in which he responded to them, made it impossible for him to continue to govern at this point.”

Several Democrats said on Friday that New York State Attorney General Letitia James’ investigation into Cuomo’s behavior should continue.

On Thursday, more than 50 Democrats in the New York State Senate and Assembly said in a letter that “it is time for Governor Cuomo to step down”, arguing that he is “ineffective in this regard. period of most urgent need “. The top Democrat in the state Senate, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, said on Sunday that “for the good of the state, Governor Cuomo must step down.”

Democrats who support an inquiry

Friday’s wave of calls for Cuomo’s resignation also puts a new emphasis on the New York Senators. Chuck Schumer, the majority leader in the US Senate, and Kirsten Gillibrand, who in 2017 was the first to call on former Minnesota Senator Al Franken to step down after several women accused him of touching them inappropriately .

Appearing on ABC’s “The View” Thursday, Schumer said the allegations against Cuomo were “very disturbing” and should be fully investigated by the state attorney general, but stopped before saying that Cuomo should step down.

Gillibrand has also not called for Cuomo’s resignation and supports the New York attorney general’s investigation. On Wednesday, she declined to discuss with CNN why she views the allegations against Cuomo any differently from the accusations Franken has faced.

She, however, called Cuomo’s behavior “totally unacceptable” and said any allegation of sexual harassment “must be taken seriously and be reconsidered.”

Democratic Representative Hakeem Jeffries, who is also chair of the Democratic caucus, told CNN last week that he did not think Cuomo should step down, calling instead for “a full, fair and comprehensive independent investigation.”

Asked Friday in light of pressure from her colleagues to have Cuomo step down, Jeffries spokeswoman Christie Stephenson told CNN that the congressman’s position had not changed.

Representative Tom Suozzi said Cuomo “must seriously consider whether he can actually continue to govern” and if he comes to the conclusion that he cannot, “he should resign.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the White House had no update when asked if Biden thought Cuomo should step down, in light of the constant flow of officials and officials. New York lawmakers calling on the governor to step down.

“The president believes that every woman who has come forward … deserves her voice to be heard, should be treated with respect and should be able to tell her story,” Psaki said, adding that Biden believes the independent investigation should go forward.

Cuomo rejects calls to resign

In his conference call later Friday, Cuomo made it clear that he would not be stepping down despite public pressure.

“I am not going to resign. I was not elected by the politicians, I was elected by the people,” he said, insisting that “New Yorkers know me.”

He urged the public to let the state attorney general’s investigation proceed and “wait for the facts.”

“I am confident that when New Yorkers know the facts of the review, I am confident in the fact-based decision,” he said. “But wait for the facts. An opinion without the facts is irresponsible.”

He claimed he had “not had inappropriate sex, period.”

“I have never harassed anyone, I have never abused anyone, I have never assaulted anyone,” he said.

Cuomo added that he would avoid “distractions” and focus on his job.

This story has been updated with additional information.

CNN’s Kristina Sgueglia, Manu Raju and Ali Zaslav contributed to this report.


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