5 SCDF officers accused of NSF death at the pump, Latest Singapore News


Five members of the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) were charged yesterday with the death of Corporal Kok Yuen Chin, a full-time national soldier, in May

. The SCDF investigates the station on May 13

The five men charged are Mohammad Nur Fatwa Mahmood, 33; Mohamed Farid Mohamed Saleh, 34 years old; Kenneth Chong Chee Boon, 37; Nazhan Mohamed Nazi, 40 years old; and Adighazali Suhaimi, 32.

Court documents shed light on what happened the night Corporal Kok was found unconscious in a fire station

Nur Fatwa, sergeant Staff, reportedly pushed Corporal Kok, 22, into the 12-meter deep pump at about 9:07 pm, causing it to drown.

Later that night, around 11:23 pm, he reportedly told Adighazali, also a staff sergeant, to delete a video of the incident. [19659006] Nur Fatwa reportedly acted at the instigation of Farid, a first adjutant, to push Corporal Kok into the well of the pump

Chong, a lieutenant, and Nazhan, a first chief warrant officer, were respectively the commander and the deputy of the rota.

They reportedly failed to prevent the group from putting pressure on Corporal Kok for him to enter the pump, thus endangering his life.

Adighazali also reportedly deleted a video on his mobile phone. Cpl Kok's phone being pushed into the pump well

All officers, with the exception of Nur Fatwa, are scheduled to appear again in court on 3 September.

Nur Fatwa's lawyer stated that his client had the intention to plead guilty. His case will be heard on September 25th.

In a statement released yesterday, the police reported that they had sent back to the SCDF another eight police officers who were present at the incident for departmental investigations


If it is discovered that they have violated the rules and regulations of the SCDF, regular force officers will be subject to disciplinary action by the public service, possibly go to dismissal or demotion

Cpl Kok, a permanent resident of Singapore, Malaysia, celebrated his next operational date with his comrades in the squad, earning him a sentence of detention or demotion, or both, declared SCDF

. He would have finished his service in two days.

One day after his death, Nur Fatwa and Farid were arrested and suspended from office.

An inquiry commission was convened to investigate the death of Cpl Kok and make recommendations to prevent similar incidents

Following the death of Cpl Kok, the SCDF reinforced its -ragging measures.

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