Famous orchestra fanfares at the concert – BorneoPost Online | Borneo, Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News


Dr. Wong (center) and guests cut a cake to mark the event

MIRI: The famous SMK Chung Band Brass Hua gave a very lively performance at a concert at the classroom here last Saturday.

During this evening, the brass band sang 24 songs, to the delight of the crowd of more than 200 people who included parents, brothers and sisters and friends of band members. Vice President of the Association of Parents and Teachers (PTA), Jack Wong Siew Yu, attributed the success of the concert to the dedicated members of the band and their teachers

"For years, SMK Chung Hua Brass Band has established itself as a group of world-renowned music schools, all of which could not have happened without the efforts of coaches, students, parents and council. who believe in it, "he added.

Credit, added Dr. Wong, to the chairman of the board of Sri Datuk Paduka Chai Yu Lan, who financially supported the group.

Ong Ngee Hong, senior director of the school's extracurricular department, Anthony James, president of the association, and former director Wong King Kui were also present

SMK Chung Hua Brass Band performs during the concert

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