Foster releases 30,000 baby turtles on March 1st


Foster releases 30,000 baby turtles on March 1

Published: Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Kota Kinabalu: Friends of Education and Research on Sea Turtles (Foster) have released some 30,000 baby turtles into the ocean as of March 1st.

Turtle landings have also experienced a marked increase since July 2013.

This was the result of Foster committee members teaming up with villagers from Libaran Island to rejuvenate the shoreline on a daily basis since 2015.

the reasons for the increase in landings of sea turtles on the island.

In anticipation of Foster's next phase of growth, a new team of Executive Committee (Exco) members for the 2018-2020 term was created at the last annual general meeting.

Alexander Yee was elected president while Dares SA @ Octavius ​​was elected vice president with Elsie Gidai as treasurer, Michael Lo (secretary), Haslin Gaffor (assistant secretary), Kenny Teng and Noor Hafizah Zubaidi as the members of the committee, and Dr. James Alin and Dr. Juanita Joseph as advisers.

Yee expressed appreciation for the commitment of the new members of Exco and noted that the new team has a good balance in the profession, consisting of journalist, tourism stakeholders, leaders of financial institutions and academics. In addition, the age group varies and allows for long-term continuity.

He said that new members of the exco have formulated several action plans for the next 12 months during a brainstorming session.

Plans include further cleaning of community beaches on Libaran Island, extension of beach cleaning at the west coast of Sabah, production of a booklet on the volunteer program sea ​​turtles on Libaran Island and increased collaboration with government agencies. National Department of Wildlife and State Parks for the Conservation and Protection of Sea Turtles.

Yee added that he will lead the new team to make courtesy calls to various government agencies in time.

In 2013, Trekkers Lodge Sdn Bhd signed a protocol agreement with the state's wildlife department to set up a turtle conservation program on the island.

The program aims to educate local people and tourists about the conservation value of sea turtles, undertake research projects to better understand the life cycle of marine turtles around the island, and to develop place marine turtle research programs. international and local students.

It was then that Yee, as the managing director of Trekkers Lodge Sdn Bhd, created Foster to achieve the goals effectively.

Since then, Foster has sponsored more than 10 local villagers to attend the Honorary Wildlife Warden Course and then provided them with a job taking care of the Taman Hadiah turtle hatchery on Libaran Island.

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