The Ministry of Transport pledges tough action against Kopi O license providers


PUTRAJAYA : The Ministry of Transport will not hesitate to crack down on the officers of the Department of Road Transport (RTD) or the driving institutes on the issuance of the "Kopi O" license
said his minister Anthony Loke. "Apparently, there are still individuals or parties who advertise on social networks to promote their support services to potential drivers to get their driver's license without having to follow the proper procedure on the lessons of conduct and test. "I asked my general manager to file a police report and follow up the report with an anti-corruption report so that those responsible could be punished," said Mr. Loké during a meeting. A post-ministerial press conference today

. He said those who flouted the law would be removed from their driving institute and the RTD officers involved would be sacked.

Meanwhile, Loke also announced that his department was abolishing the "One Community, One J PJ" (SKSJ) program implemented since 2009 with immediate effect.

"This program was intended to help locals obtain probatory driver's license (P) because it provides them with exposure in terms of highway code and road regulations as well as techniques. on motorcycles

"From 2013 until last year, some 132,000 rural people have been licensed. However, it was found that the test performed in the program did not follow the appropriate guidelines, which is why we are abandoning this program immediately, "explained Loke

. Through the test resume program, Loke said it was useless because some of them had obtained it more than four years ago.

Loke also told reporters that he had asked the Road Safety Department of Malaysia to re-evaluate and refine their road safety program and approaches to further reduce the accident rate in the country. the country.

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