The Pan Borneo Highway Project Must Be Reviewed – Metro News


MIRI: The project to modernize the 1000 km long Pan Borneo road in Sarawak is to be started quickly.

The project, launched by the previous administration three years ago, is pending. the last months of the preparation of the 14th General Election and Government Change of Barisan Nasional Administration in Pakatan Harapan.

In the past three years, fieldwork in different districts has also been erratic and slow. sometimes because of technical complexities such as water and gas piping and cable connections.

Delays were also caused by disputes over native lands and land compensation cases


On Monday, the new government more or less settled the entire composition of its cabinet, the president of Sarawak PKR and the deputy of Selangau, Baru Bian, having appointed the new Minister of Public Works

. They have been filled, it is time not only to restart the work of upgrading Pan-Borneo, but also to put the whole project on the fast track.

More than three million people in Sarawak will benefit from the 1,000 km of Miri, the road passes from Brunei to Limbang and Lawas districts in northern Sarawak, then to Sabah.

The people of Sabah will benefit from the improvement of the road.

Bian needs to revive the various packages of works attributed to road contractors on the Sarawak side.

It has been alleged that the awarding of contracts was controversial and given to some companies aligned with politicians in Sarawak. These allegations also arose during the campaign period for GE14

Bian will do well to quickly settle these controversies and then he will have to relaunch the project.

The new federal government's plan to improve the Pan-Borneo Sarawak-Sabah road must include design changes to the current route of the current road in order to eliminate all dangerous sections that cause serious and fatal accidents.

It is not enough that the highway be widened into four lanes without the current

The removal of the danger stretches along the road must be a top priority because the number of serious accidents and mortal has increased every year.

The current route of the Pan Bormeo Highway from Kuching to Miri has many sections with sharp turns and blind spots. The ministry must ensure that these danger areas are removed.

The redevelopment can not focus solely on expanding these existing lanes into four lanes.

Reclassification must also focus on the recovery of these turns

A highway must be wide and straight, do not zigzag here and there.

Information on the current road upgrade plan has shown that most of the current route would be maintained by the Public Works Department which is supervising

This is not enough and users of the route want the current alignment corrected so that dangerous turns and blind spots are removed.

Datuk Seri Mohd Tun Najib Razak began the modernization work in March 2015 while he was still Prime Minister

The complete improvement of the highway to Sarawak and Sabah was to cost RM25bil and it will still take at least seven years before it is completed. [19659002] Bian must accelerate the entire project and see that it is completed before 2020.

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