Spotlight: The deterioration of the situation in south-west Syria is causing great concern to the UN – Xinhua


Syrian soldiers are walking in the city of Saida, Daraa province, Syria, on July 5, 2018. The Syrian army began Thursday an operation along the Syrian-Jordanian border in the countryside of the province from Daraa to the south. (Xinhua / Ammar Safarjalani)

From Xinhua writer Wang Jiangang

UNITED NATIONS, July 6 (Xinhua) – The United Nations continued on Friday to express its "deep concern" about security and safety. the protection of civilians operations in southwestern Syria.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that at least 15 Syrians have died in makeshift camps near the Jordanian border because of "scorpion bites, dehydration, and diseases transmitted by contaminated water ".

The UN said that 325,000 people in the Daraa region have been displaced by the fighting. Most of them live in makeshift camps near the Jordanian and Israeli borders without adequate shelter, food or water.

The UN has shown "great concern" about the latest developments in war-torn Syria.


The UN Security Council failed Thursday to find a solution to the crisis. South-West Syria during emergency consultations behind closed doors, after Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made a statement to express his concern

The UN chief again called for an "immediate suspension of hostilities" and the resumption of negotiations.

He called on all parties to take all necessary measures to "preserve the lives of civilians, allow freedom of movement and protect civilian infrastructure", including medical and educational facilities, in accordance with international humanitarian law and international human rights. An estimated 750,000 lives "are in danger," the UN chief said in a statement released Thursday by his spokesman.

On June 30, the Secretary-General expressed "deep concern" at the escalating hostilities in south-west Syria and its "devastating" impact on civilians. "

On June 22, Mr. Guterres called for the immediate end of the military escalation in south-west Syria and the return to the ceasefire agreements agreed by Russia., United States and Jordan.


A UN spokesman said Friday that intense air and ground strikes in the city of Daraa and in the rural areas of the east and west had killed 18. The immediate needs of displaced Syrians, many of whom are children, include housing, water, food, care The living conditions of the displaced people along the border areas "are extremely difficult", as they lack adequate shelter, sanitation facilities, sanitation and sanitation facilities. basic assistance and access to services, said the spokesperson

They are homeless, exposed to the Fri dusty ts of the desert and at high temperatures.

In coordination with the Jordanian government, the UN provided life-saving assistance, including food, water, soap, sanitary supplies, shelter and equipment for tens of thousands of people. Syrians near the Jordanian border.

The head of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) on Thursday called on Jordan to open its border with southwestern Syria to protect civilians "caught in the crossfire".

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, said in a statement

There are a large number of women and children among displaced people, as well as elderly, injured and sick. He said, adding that among the displaced people were local aid workers who "served the civilian population selflessly throughout the conflict".

Grandi emphasized the immediate priority of finding a political solution to the conflict. additional suffering.

Fighting between pro-Syrian government forces and opposition militias has intensified for weeks in Daraa governorate and the Golan border region with Israel.

Grandi said that the UN and its partners are doing what they can. To provide vital assistance to the people of south-west Syria, both in the interior of the country and on the Jordanian border, "the security situation hampers efforts to reach many people in need."

redouble efforts to end hostilities, allow humanitarian actors to provide vital assistance, shelter and evacuate the wounded, "said Mr. Grandi


Olof Skoog, Sweden's ambassador to the UN, called on the parties concerned to "allow cross-border convoys from Jordan and urgently strengthen the protection of civilians" ah Kuwait and Sweden have called for at the end of the shelling, protection of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian aid, said Annika Soder, "It is important that Jordan's cross-border humanitarian aid can reach the refugees ", said the Dutch Ambassador to the United Nations, Karel Van Oosterom,

.Criminal objectives was a" clear violation of the agreement of the de-escalation zone. "

" We have need all parties respect their obligations. All of this is ruining current efforts for dialogue, "he added.

Syria launched a new offensive against rebels in the south of the country on June 19 and now targets the southern provinces. west of Daraa and Quneitra. [ad_2]
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