Problems with your Mac keyboard? Apple could fix it for you – Tech News


Generalized keyboard issues in new MacBook models prompted Apple to formally respond to customer complaints. Devices with certain defects may be exchanged for replacement. Here's what Apple customers need to know now:

Which devices are involved in the trading program?

According to Apple, the problem concerns Macs with what is called the Butterfly keyboard. These particularly flat keys have been inserted into the MacBook with a 12-inch screen built from 2015 and in MacBook Pro sold since 2016 with 13 and 15-inch display screens and two or four Thunderbolt 3 connections.

types of damage have been discovered?

Unexpected character repetitions or characters that do not appear when pressed, in addition to the high-pressure resistance of individual keys and keys that do not respond consistently.

What if I am affected?

Apple advises customers to contact an authorized reseller or Apple Store first and make an appointment. Depending on the extent of the damage, the individual keys or even the entire keyboard will be disabled, says Apple. Accurate information on the duration of possible repairs has not been provided. It is also possible that customers receive a replacement device. For this reason, users must register all their data before using a technician. The easiest ways to do this are via Apple's Time Machine program or with a USB hard drive

What else do I need to know?

Repairs or exchanges are essentially free for the owners of the devices concerned. Yet Apple has pointed out that any other potential damage hindering the repair service will have to be repaired first. In this case, the costs for the repairs could still occur for the customers. In total, Apple said it will repair all affected models until four years after the initial purchase in the stores.

I've already solved the problem at my expense. Can I get a refund?

Maybe. Anyone who has paid for a new keyboard or to repair models of the device generation concerned can try to get his money back. All affected customers should contact the Apple Technical Support Team for this. – dpa

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